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GDT: Leafs at Sabres 1/13/12 7:30PM


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Where is the love for Ellis on this board? I read Leino played well a couple times. When?

Ellis scores that goal sure it was luck, but it came from the only non-injured player that can take the puck off the wall and do something with it.

If a top six forward banks it in you here about "great pressure" and that its a goal scorer's goal.


I think Ellis has played great all season! Relatively speaking of course. He's not very talented, but he busts his ass every night and you rarely hear his name on any big giveaways or blown plays.

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I think Ellis has played great all season! Relatively speaking of course. He's not very talented, but he busts his ass every night and you rarely hear his name on any big giveaways or blown plays.


Except when I screan mother ###### no talent Matt Ellis. Wonder what he has to do score and show the rest of the guys. Barf!! No offense lol

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I like Roy, Stafford, Gerbe line. They had a lot of chances. Maybe Gerbes heart is big enough for those three.


Big win, nearly thrown away by Weber who proofed again, that he should not be in an NHL rooster.


We have to work on the give aways though.

Yeah webb has been coal for awhile now.


Will Tj Brennan take webbs spot?

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They gave up a two goal lead and worked through and took the two points. They showed effort and got a lot of help from the Leafs. The NHL doesn't track unforced errors, I would guess the Leafs had at least a dozen. The Leafs' passing was just god aweful.


I don;t know if anyone caught this, Myers almost got Pominville killed. With about 14 minutes left, Myers through a pass up the middle for Pominville, Pominville was looking at the pass and missed it. When i watched the play I thought Pominville was going to get crushed, all the Leaf defenseman had to do was step up and Pominville would have been a highlight ala Umberger.

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Darn, the Sabres won, Marcy and Stapphyl get reprieves for a day and the Sabres high draft pick effort takes a hit. Watched the game, just didn't feel like commenting last night. Ruff did seem more animated on the bench and though Stafford couldn't hit the broad side of the barn with a puck, he did play better on the puck. He still wouldn't take or give out much of hits, but he used his shoulders more in the corners and managed to take the puck away more than normal. Jeez he still has a bad habbit of ole-ing when trying to forecheck instead of taking the body.


Roy looked like he found his legs, but way to many turnovers while trying to dangle in the offensive end. Looks like he finally gained back his second move, but is still missing his third and fourth... Wondering if his conditioning and confidene in his knee is not quite there. If so, what a slow process.

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Glad we won last night, but we can't expect to play that way and win too often. I counted at least 5 solid giveaways in the middle of our zone. Hecht, Stafford, Roy, weber and Leopold all had a pretty bad one. Miller played quite well, and we got 2 garbage goals as well. I wont complain, its about time some of those start going our way.


Worst officiating team ive seen this season, nuff said


Can we put a second win together??? Please do sans!!

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Darn, the Sabres won, Marcy and Stapphyl get reprieves for a day and the Sabres high draft pick effort takes a hit. Watched the game, just didn't feel like commenting last night. Ruff did seem more animated on the bench and though Stafford couldn't hit the broad side of the barn with a puck, he did play better on the puck. He still wouldn't take or give out much of hits, but he used his shoulders more in the corners and managed to take the puck away more than normal. Jeez he still has a bad habbit of ole-ing when trying to forecheck instead of taking the body.


Roy looked like he found his legs, but way to many turnovers while trying to dangle in the offensive end. Looks like he finally gained back his second move, but is still missing his third and fourth... Wondering if his conditioning and confidene in his knee is not quite there. If so, what a slow process.


This is my thought, as well. Frankly, I don't know whether he'll ever be 100% again.

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Darn, the Sabres won, Marcy and Stapphyl get reprieves for a day and the Sabres high draft pick effort takes a hit. Watched the game, just didn't feel like commenting last night. Ruff did seem more animated on the bench and though Stafford couldn't hit the broad side of the barn with a puck, he did play better on the puck. He still wouldn't take or give out much of hits, but he used his shoulders more in the corners and managed to take the puck away more than normal. Jeez he still has a bad habbit of ole-ing when trying to forecheck instead of taking the body.


Roy looked like he found his legs, but way to many turnovers while trying to dangle in the offensive end. Looks like he finally gained back his second move, but is still missing his third and fourth... Wondering if his conditioning and confidene in his knee is not quite there. If so, what a slow process.


Please tell me with 40 games left in the season Sabres fans arn't cheering for a loss and a lottery pick. If we miss the playoffs, which is still a decent possibility it's not going to be in the bottom spot. The Nhl draft isn't even like the Nfl. Unless you have a top two or maybe three pick then it's a crap shoot after that. Also, unless it's a superstar draft year then it'll be a couple years before they are even in a Sabres uni. Nobody is catching Columbus in the losers standings so unless we're the next worse team it's not going to give us much of an advantage picking 4th instead of 6th or 7th. We'll have better odds making the playoffs than getting into the number 2 draft position.

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