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[OT] Spam via this board


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I got one when I first joined how ever many moons ago that was. The only PMs I get now are those who tell me how they hate me. :blink:





Sorry about that - its those damn motion avatars! That Ennis one still gives me nightmares!

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Your username starts w/ "W" and they haven't gotten that far into the alphabet? :unsure:


That's all I could come up w/. :P




I was referring to the hate mail actually. I figured I was was penned as a "dark sider" by now. :)

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So yeah, this is now officially one hell of a dating site. Chz now gets to scrape the bottom of the barrel here.


My name is chz saw your profile today and became intrested in you, I also like to know you more and estabilish relationship bassed on truth and trust with you, I want you to send an email to my email address so that i can give you my picture for you to know who i am my email id is . sugarpackets@yahoo.com

I am waiting for your mail to my email address above, please i have something very important, I want to tell you.I believe we can start from here!

remember the distance or color does matter but love matters a lot in life. :w00t:

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...and an audible sigh is heard all over WNY as every single male SabreSpace member (and some of the married ones no doubt) lets his gut out.


Oh wait, there's still Chz right? Back in!



So yeah, this is now officially one hell of a dating site. Chz now gets to scrape the bottom of the barrel here.



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My name is chz saw your profile today and became intrested in you, I also like to know you more and estabilish relationship bassed on truth and trust with you, I want you to send an email to my email address so that i can give you my picture for you to know who i am my email id is . sugarpackets@yahoo.com

I am waiting for your mail to my email address above, please i have something very important, I want to tell you.I believe we can start from here!

remember the distance or color does matter but love matters a lot in life. :w00t:



Ooooooo... getting closer to "w". :w00t:

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You should totally e-mail her...



...and an audible sigh is heard all over WNY as every single male SabreSpace member (and some of the married ones no doubt) lets his gut out.


Oh wait, there's still Chz right? Back in!


Funny stuff... Loved the "you should totally e-mail her ..."

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As was I. ;)


Sorry for the delayed response. I missed this yesterday somehow. :doh:


You mean that stuff is done around here alphabetically? Day-umm, this joint is organized !!

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