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At about a tenth of the volume. I have to turn up my surround sound a lot to hear him. Unfortunately Harry is coming in perfectly loud and clear.


I think the sound guys have him dialed down because he has such a strange voice. As weird as RJs is, his kid's is even weirder. I feel like I'm listening to someone orate game notes into one of those little tape recorders.

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I would probably dislike him like everyone else if I didn't buy his jersey 2 years ago. Gotta protect the investment. :thumbsup:

Same here, actually. We were up in Buffalo for a visit and Stafford was the best I could get. My son did far worse, unfortunately... Afenigenov....!


I think Stafford does better with more ice time. With the players the Sabres have on the roster right now, he's getting it.

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I feel like Mark Jeanneret is resting his chin on the palm of his hand, elbow planted on the desk below. I'd submit a demo and demand a tryout at the position before I'd listen to this guy for the next 30 seasons...


hahaha his voice caught me off guard when i first started watching

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I feel like Mark Jeanneret is resting his chin on the palm of his hand, elbow planted on the desk below. I'd submit a demo and demand a tryout at the position before I'd listen to this guy for the next 30 seasons...

Based on what I've heard so far I agree. Especially the goal call. I guess you give the guy a chance and hope his style develops but I'm not sure it will. His voice kind of warbles( if thats a word ) on the 'he scooooooores'.

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Jesus, i flipped on the game and thought i was listening to some college kid doing an aircheck audition. Had no idea this is Rick's kid. He's horrible. I could do a better job. I can't even hear him. It's like he's doing play by play in his bedroom while watching on TV and trying to be quiet so his parents don't hear him. lol.. he sucks. Hope this is just nerves.

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Jesus, i flipped on the game and thought i was listening to some college kid doing an aircheck audition. Had no idea this is Rick's kid. He's horrible. I could do a better job. I can't even hear him. It's like he's doing play by play in his bedroom while watching on TV and trying to be quiet so his parents don't hear him. lol.. he sucks. Hope this is just nerves.


Haha perfect description. College radio dj. You nailed it.

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