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Seeing as Lindy turned in the 'C' and resigned as captain when he was scratched for a game, I can't see him ever scratching his captain. Might explain the rotating captaincy in past years, he always wanted the option of benching someone. then again, he rarely did ... but still, he ain't scratching Rivet.


I said I was out of the prediction business since nailing the Toronto win on Oct. 30, but they are just 4-4 since then ... so I will try to spark them ... 4-3 Sabres depite plenty of late pressure and maybe a goalpost for Boston. And if I get this one right, I AM playing the Powerball tomorrow.

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As many have said, this is a big game for many reasons. One, the Sabres are 4-4 in their last 8 games. Two, the Sabres scoring has sucked as of late. Three, this is a divisional game against a team that is SOON to breakout and start winning games. Four, every point counts. I could go on and on, but there is no reason to. Buffalo needs to step it up and make a statement. Winning this game would make them 4-1 in their last 5. I'd also love it if the Sabres played a game where there was virtually no pressure on the players/fans after 2nd intermission by having a 4 goal lead.

Time for me to grab a cold one. Thanksgiving break starts tonight!

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i have center ice on comcast and they give you the option of the home or away broadcast, it's pretty cool. No HD though.

lucky you.. blacked out here unfortunately


in NESN's defense though, they are by far NOT the worst pair to listen to

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No only because the play by play guy isn't bad, but Brickhead couldn't analyze an outhouse. I have seen blondes with more sense...


Seriously? I can't take anyone seriously if they think Jack Edwards is decent. He's an idiot and constantly shows that he knows very little about the game. Hell, pretty much every Bruins fan I know can't stand him either.

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Seriously? I can't take anyone seriously if they think Jack Edwards is decent. He's an idiot and constantly shows that he knows very little about the game. Hell, pretty much every Bruins fan I know can't stand him either.


When he is just doing the play by play not so bad, but I hate Brickhead worse. Agree he doesn't know much about the game. But Brickley is so much worse.

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lucky you.. blacked out here unfortunately


in NESN's defense though, they are by far NOT the worst pair to listen to

Sounds like the makings of a fun thread. Which team's announcers are the worst? I'd put the Bruins and Washington Caps announcers near the top. Although I rarely get to watch west coast teams, so I can't really try to categorize them

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he had a break on goal and took a shot as well..


Ruff should really swallow his ego and play him more on the PK

Vanek was on ice again the last 30 seconds of that PK.. did ok, looks more lively on his skates today


dang.. another PK now..

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I think Boston needs a few more power plays. The refs just aren't giving them enough.


And nice instinct by Myers to rush behind Miller and plug the net. I like this kid more and more every week.

That should get the Heads-Up play right there

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