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Connolly has hairline fracture in a vertebra


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You guys are creeps. Think you could come back to play again after a concussion like he suffered? Give him some credit. Since when is playing a sport like hockey and getting injured a sign of weakness?





ya, I understand the frustration of him not dressing, again, but injuries are injuries. The Sabres took a chance and it looks like it isn't paying off. But it's not because Timmy doesn't want to play. These aren't minor injuries we're talking about. Being frustrated at the "situation" is cool, but insulting the guy personally is not cool.

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The bigger shocker is that Connolly has a spine. <_<


Since when do you attack a player's character because they are injury prone? Sure, he's struggled with injury, but Connolly is a good man. That was just a stupid thing to say.

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You guys are creeps. Think you could come back to play again after a concussion like he suffered? Give him some credit. Since when is playing a sport like hockey and getting injured a sign of weakness?




I think people's frustrations aren't really directed towards Connolly himself, but more against the FO for not only signing someone who's injured more than he plays to a $9 mill. contract, but also counting on that very same player to be an impact player on the team.


After all, this is a team with a self-imposed cap, hence $9 mill. spent on a guy who's missed over 50% of his games the past two seasons? Well, that's just bad business.


Connolly's just one of those unfortunate guys who's body apparentlt isn't built for the sport he plays, and that sucks.


I have nothing against the guy but everytime I see him, I'm reminded that he usually doesn't play, and effectively is costing us a $3 mill. a year centerman who could play more.

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there's no defending those kinds of comments. just dickheaded.

If you can't handle it I suggest you, and others, put on your big girl panties and learn to deal with it.


I have no sympathy for a guy who has made millions of dollars for just sitting in the press box. Connolly is stealing from the Buffalo Sabres and the fans. He is stealing precious cap space and a roster spot that should be held by someone who can still actually play the game. Connolly needs to man up and get his sorry a$$ in the lineup or frigging retire already.


I do have a positive to add. I did not mind MacAuthur's game last night. I never really pay any attention to the kid. I see no reason to sit the kid if ever Connolly feels well enough to go. The Sabres should do what the Bills did with Crowell. Put him on IR and send him home. There is no reason for Tim Connolly to ever put on a Sabre uniform again.

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There is no reason for Tim Connolly to ever put on a Sabre uniform again.


Seriously. He is like that girlfriend who keeps dumping you, but then decides she messed up and wants you back, so you take her back, because you're a sucker. Sabres management needs to grow a set and move on. B*tch is crazy!

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If you can't handle it I suggest you, and others, put on your big girl panties and learn to deal with it.


I have no sympathy for a guy who has made millions of dollars for just sitting in the press box. Connolly is stealing from the Buffalo Sabres and the fans. He is stealing precious cap space and a roster spot that should be held by someone who can still actually play the game. Connolly needs to man up and get his sorry a$ in the lineup or frigging retire already.


I do have a positive to add. I did not mind MacAuthur's game last night. I never really pay any attention to the kid. I see no reason to sit the kid if ever Connolly feels well enough to go. The Sabres should do what the Bills did with Crowell. Put him on IR and send him home. There is no reason for Tim Connolly to ever put on a Sabre uniform again.


Yup, Clarke and Mike Weber can lead us to the promised land together.

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Jeez, I wonder what some of you thought about Pat LaFontaine. Always out of the lineup, that slacker!

Putting LaFontaine into a thread about Tim Connolly? If you must. Lafontaine had a great career cut short to injuries. Connolly has 70 goals in 400+ games? Steve Patrick would be a better comparison to Tim Connolly.


Steve Patrick .432 ppg .160 gpg

Tim Connolly .390 ppg .160 gpg

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Jeez, I wonder what some of you thought about Pat LaFontaine. Always out of the lineup, that slacker!


I'm sure everyone here thinks LaFontaine is glorious. Due to the fact that LaFontaine despite being injured atleast put up numbers that warrented him a spot in the line up. Even when he missed time he still put up more points than games he played in. Connolly does neither. The only thing Connolly is good for is being pretty good in videogames. If he wasn't injured all the time maybe it'd be different, im sure the guy wants to play. Its not all his fault, but he is made of glass and whats the point of having a guy just sitting around collecting bank and taking up roster spot from someone who'd actually contribute SOMETHING, ANYTHING?

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I wonder how long Connolly would have been out for if he took a shot like Drury did from Neil. Chris came back not long after that, just to have a slapshot hit him in the ear, then he came right back from that. Connolly isn't made of hockey player material, he's a figure skater who joined the wrong sport. If Connolly played in Europe he would probably be up there in points every year. He's got skills, just not the physical makeup.

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