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Porous Five Hole

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Everything posted by Porous Five Hole

  1. this used to be a mainstay of Sabres broadcasts in the late 2000’s and I hated it.
  2. Ever notice the Ken’s Blue Cheese you get at restaurants and pizza shops is called, “Buffalo NY Style?” I absolutely love it and it is far superior to the stuff you can get at the grocery store. I think the retail option is just Ken’s Chunky Blue Cheese, or something like that. Anyway my wife worked with a local restaurant to get the good stuff from their supply chain. So now I have a gallon of great tasting blue cheese! Thanks Santa.
  3. His smile was contagious for me. Tomorrow is must see TV to see how the kids hang with nhl speed.
  4. I hope the Bills go to remote meetings and keep everyone at home or as distant as possible for the next two weeks. The Bills are favored by two TD’s this Sunday….let’s minimize any potential Covid issues like a bunch of teams are dealing with and keep everyone on Zoom. Also, the Car Panthers got sent home today…so I don’t think it is crazy to be proactive.
  5. While this makes perfect sense, couldn’t it also make perfect sense that this is a needed reset and ownership is in it for the long haul with maximum flexibility moving forward?
  6. Hi @Brawndo or anyone else…how do you embed a tweet like this into a post?
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1467980943499608070
  8. For the home opener, I paid $34 X 3 for lower bowl blue line on game day. And that was at the window, so no ticketmonster fees. I was very surprised at how expensive it was. I guess a mini pack might have made sense, but I have to imagine $104 for three tickets alone cools interest in a casual fan attending. It is a savings versus attending Key Bank Center, but most Rochester fans don’t care about that.
  9. There’s just no way Dell should start again. I’m not saying development be damned for a Sabres potential win, but I think UPL’s development would not be stunted by a spot start on a back to back. The next back to back is a week from today. I hope UPL gets that game.
  10. Instant Trade Analysis (O’Reilly deal) yikes. People thought this was a fair deal. O’Reilly market value was severely depressed. There are some similarities between that one and the Eichel deal. I still think this works out better for Buffalo long term.
  11. But don’t you think he might fit into a nice middle six role if our front line prospects develop accordingly? When Tuch is on, he’s got a great motor.
  12. Anderson day to day. Upper body. Stupid NHL injury rules means we get nothing else.
  13. For those who take issue with the “salary retention is a non-starter,” what would you be expecting and for what level of retention? I realize that might be too open ended to answer, but what else would the Knights have given up? Who would be a more logical trade partner and what would the cost have been to get more back in a trade? I prefer the financial flexibility going forward and am happy the Sabres went this route.
  14. May I ask you how you would have preferred him portrayed instead of a Blackhawks player? Former Blackhawks prospect working with the Blackhawks coaching staff? Totally agree on your last sentence.
  15. So a Black Ace isn’t considered a player of the team to some people? If you watched a practice during the cup run, the guy would have been on the ice with the team. I have no problem with anyone calling him a Blackhawks player.
  16. John Murphy is my least favorite play by play announcer in the galaxy. You get more information about the play looking at the yahoo sports app than you do from Murph from snap to snap. It is a classic case of a play by play announcer doing TV play by play on radio. The listener routinely cannot “picture” what’s happening. I know RJ is a legend, but it should be a criminal offense to simulcast TV play by play on the radio. Play by play on Buffalo radio is the worst.
  17. The decision was made to cut the show to 60 minutes. Peters & Rivet were upset by that, and secondarily that they were asked to take a pay cut in their new deal. So they both decided to bail. Peters had improved a lot from day one until the end, and I’ll miss him on the show.
  18. I, a 41 year old beer drinker who cares most about the game, am taking my 22 year old nephew to his first Bills game. He is providing the tickets with the only stipulation being, “to show him the Bills Mafia experience.” What/Where do you recommend I take him to show the debauchery of the tailgate madness? I’m from ROC and have only parked at an HVAC company’s lot which is pretty tame. I don’t know the layout of OP that well. Suggestions welcome and thank you!
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