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Everything posted by Flashsabre

  1. LOL Who is doing the scouting for this anonymous team. Those rankings are scary bad.
  2. He is going to be playing top pair minutes long term with Dahlin. It is hard to get a real read in his game. He is a physical d first type but there is more to his offensive game to unlock. He seems to have good instincts and likes to jump up in the play at times. He is a glue and culture guy. I like it a lot.
  3. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?fbid=3315100138730534 Ouch, looks like it was a rough day for FelicianošŸ˜€
  4. https://www.tsn.ca/scott-smith-hockey-canada-board-of-directors-stepping-down-1.1860721
  5. When it was 17-0 Raiders you just knew KC was coming back to erase that lead. Bills and Chiefs just seem to be able to march down the field whenever they want to.
  6. Man Josh was picked in the end zone, Morris fumbled at the goal line and Bass missed a fg. That really could have easily been about 55 points in 3 quarters of work. If Shakir and Cook start to break out then this offence is going to be an absolute treat to watch. Being a Steelers fan right now must be so frustrating. They have some good pieces on offence but they refuse to let them cut loose. We need 15 yards, we will throw a 4 yard pass and let our guy get hammered. They need a new OC and new vision there.
  7. ā€œSorry canā€™t say thatā€šŸ˜€
  8. He hasnā€™t beaten Hinny out for a top 9 spot this preseason.
  9. https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/article/never-seen-anything-like-this-experts-baffled-by-hockey-canadas-scandal-response/ Pure Insanity
  10. https://www.cp24.com/mobile/sports/nike-suspends-hockey-canada-partnership-pauses-support-1.6100958 Now they have lost Nike too. ā€œWe would like you to play for Team Canada. You will have to bring your own equipment and pay for your own transit, food and lodging. We are going through a bit of a cash crisis at the moment.ā€šŸ¤Ŗ
  11. Comrie getting thrown to the wolves again. Letā€™s see how he does.
  12. As a Canadian this mess is so sad to see. Losing Tim Hortons and Canadian Tire as sponsors is as big as it gets. A few greedy executives who refuse to do what is right and step aside. They are going to burn the entire thing to the ground.šŸ˜³
  13. Man Broncos fans today have to be beside themselves. After watching Hackettā€™s terrible decisions and knowing they gave up prime assets and paid Russell Wilson that much money to see a corpse QBing their team.
  14. Colts-Broncos playing one of the worst NFL games of all time. My God it is 9-9 going into OT and Broncos fans are booing and leaving in droves to go home. I have never seen anything like it.
  15. There were no reports that he was being traded to Buffalo
  16. Yeah Comrie, UPL, Power, Lyubushkin, Quinn, JJ and a healthy Mitts will be a downgrade on the Tokarski, Dell, Butcher, Miller, Eakin, Hayden juggernaut of last season
  17. It is with a heavy heart I announce that the. Calgary Flames have released Cody Eakin from his PTO.šŸ˜€
  18. And for fans that say why didnā€™t we trade for him: 1) Dallas werenā€™t going to trade him 2) There was no report we were going to. Just a report that we inquired about his status which Iā€™m sure every team in the league did.
  19. I canā€™t remember if you have always been this negative about everything or if this is a new wrinkle you are bringing to the table.
  20. I remember years ago my dad and I got free preseason tickets for Detroit at Toronto. The Leafs sat out Sundin, Tucker, Mogilny, Roberts, McCabe, Kaberle and I believe Belfour was the goalie and they sat him as well. Leafs fans were furious. The next night they played all of them in Detroit. It was such a stupid move. Always play your stars at home in preseason for the fans.
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