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Everything posted by Flashsabre

  1. You can’t take a win away from a team. It is a very unique situation and I don’t know the answer but KC would rightfully be pissed if they took a win from them and dropped them to 2nd seed.
  2. Rosen has been impressive with his speed, shot and playmaking. Kulich would be in MVP talk if not for Bedard. Östlund has looked much better then Gaucher and as good as those other players. His IQ and ability to make plays all over the ice has been on full display. He also can PK and play the PP. The kid has Sebastian Aho vibes about him if he can continue to develop and fill out. Wright does not stand out regardless of where he plays. I just don’t know with him.
  3. Maybe the Devils can make Hughes a forward. He doesn’t seem to understand anything behind the centre ice line.
  4. The Canadian goalie, Milic has been through 2 drafts as well. Two young goalies that could be had for free.
  5. Suchanek went thru the 2021 and 2022 drafts undrafted. I think he can be signed at anytime. That is what the WJC announcers said too.
  6. I wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole. Massive head case all through his junior career. One of those players who the headache will always overshadow the ability. HARD NO
  7. The weird thing is they returned a lot of the guys from last year. I wonder what is going on there.
  8. Levi let’s in 8 against Harvard. Wow
  9. If Mitts was drafted 28th his development wouldn’t be as much of an issue but for an 8th OA pick he has struggled. Both Mitts and Krebs struggle when moved to the wing. Krebs is rounding into form as a C. Krebs can play a physical game and focus on D which helps him slot in easier in a bottom 6 role. Mitts has good games and bad. He lacks consistency which he should have at this point. Losing most of last season didn’t help but he can be a piece to be moved at this point. He is a good piece on the PP but can lose focus which leads to sloppy turnovers. Him and VO don’t gel very well. They play better with Asplund on the line but the 3 of them could be pieces moved out for upgrades.
  10. Yes, and I meant long term Sabres. Cederqvist with his combo of size and skill has a chance as well. Kisakov and Kozak are young and have a chance as well. Kozak with a couple of years of mentoring from Peca could be a good bottom 6 option but their development is key over the next couple seasons. Guys like Weissbach and Biro can be called up but I don’t see them as long term NHLers. Murray and Mersh are solid AHL guys but don’t have the skating to do it at the next level. The D corps is solid for the AHL but none of them look like more then spot call up duty when injuries hit.
  11. Their brains are similar. Biggest difference is Bedard can’t skate like McDavid (no one can) and McDavid can’t shoot like Bedard. Stylistically they are different but Bedard has a chance to impact the game in a similar manner.
  12. More likely we invite him to prospects camp and see if the kid can hang.😛
  13. I think Rousek is the forward on the Amerks most likely to grab a spot on the Sabres in the next calendar year. Kulich and Rosen will pass him in time but for the short term Rousek is the guy.
  14. I posted this elsewhere: Was at the game today. Very weird game. The shots were heavily tilted in Marlies favour but it never felt they were in control of the game. If anything I felt Amerks were more in control but didn’t produce shots out of it. Comrie was solid, I didn’t even know he was sent down until I saw him in net. Amerks have a solid D corps. Much more balanced now. For those pushing for a Biro callup I don’t see it. He is a good AHL player but I don’t see him upending anyone on the roster for a spot. Rochester has a solid AHL team. Good balance of vets and kids (Disappointed I didn’t get to see Rosen or Kulich) I found the difference between the two teams is I can see 3-4 Amerks eventually becoming Sabres while really no one on the Marlies has a realistic chance of being a Leaf long term.
  15. Announcers at WJC said he can get a contract at anytime so I don’t know.
  16. Matthews Give a Sh@t metre runs at about negative 5. The Leafs will never win with him. His body language and interviews here in Toronto have been horrible this year. He will get his regular season points but when push comes to shove he is always in the losing end.
  17. I think Dahlin and Power for a decade might be not bad. A big killer last year was the backbreaking goals that Toker, Dell and crew would let in. Comrie hasn’t let in stinkers. I can’t blame him on the 3 tonight. Just getting your goalies to make the saves that should be made is a big plus. Mitts needs to stick with the crew cut, looks good on him. Thinking of the young guys on the team and then thinking of Savoie, Kulich, Levi etc coming along is a lot of fun.
  18. I haven’t watched Hines. Does he bring the same skill set as Cook?
  19. Detroit weren’t ever in this game but a few bounces and it got close. When it was 4-3 that was a game the Sabres would lose in other years. They just turned it on and blew the Wings out of the building. So much good stuff but I want to single out Krebs. He had a very good game tonight. Please get out D back. I don’t want to see our teenage Dman with Clague anymore.
  20. Oh I agree. It would be a terrible match and I doubt Trotz touches it unless the money is insane.
  21. Yep and let’s see where Poyer is at. I think Motor and Cook can give them enough out of the backfield. I have been waiting to that dump pass to Cook in space and letting him go.
  22. Really wished they drafted Mike Bossy instead in the 70s. I think I will keep bringing this up because it is so productive.
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