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Everything posted by Believer

  1. Eichel is not a winner... Eichel is not a leader... Eichel does not want to be in Buffalo... The “C” wouldn’t even rehab here... Wasn’t here with his teammates during the losing streak... offering support in the press and leadership in the locker room... Given a similar circumstance, who thinks Josh Allen would have abandoned his team??... Adams should have ripped the “C”from his sweater and given it to a player who cares about his mates... Trade Eichel now while he still has decent value... He is not part of any positive Sabres future...
  2. Unbelievable... GM Adams traded away a legit back-up Goaltender... and had months to bring another legit back-up to the team... Sorry... Guy is a Bonehead...
  3. Good to see KA working the phones... JJ trade is notice to the league this is his team now... and the Sabres are dealing... More to come... Bigger names... Coach or no coach... my bet...
  4. “If Rutherford thinks KA isn’t up to the task, fire him this off-season and let Rutherford hire the next GM and coach.” Unimpressed with Adams this morning... Sat there like a dope after his statement waiting for questions instead of asking “Who’s got the first question?”... Not a confident leader and not smart enough... Compare him to men of vision like Beane or McDermott... Fire him and get a leader with a builder’s vision beyond “be proud to wear a Sabres jersey”... It will take bringing proven hockey winners to Buffalo... who exude confidence and pride... Winners ready to take the next step in their careers...
  5. 72-32 shot attempts, Philly... Says it all... No way to score if you don’t shoot..,
  6. Thanks for the waiver education... Bad idea...
  7. Sabres need a culture reset... Top to bottom... Take the logo... Charging Buffalo atop crossed sabres... I wear a Sabres Covid mask and am asked occasionally if it is a military unit logo... The Sabres could adopt a Seal Team Unit mentality... Embrace the Seal commitment to training, preparation, and mission execution... Lend financial support to the Unit members and families with a scholarship program... Sabres need to be warriors...
  8. Shake the bottle... Send a message... Get a hunch... Move a bunch... Got nothing to lose, Adams... Send the top two Sabres lines to Rochester, including Eichel... and bring up the top two Amerk lines... Send Dahlin down and bring up their top Defensman... Let ‘em whine, let their Agents howl... Let ’em stew for a couple weeks... Hell, ship out Kroger and bring up Appert... This season is already lost...
  9. Bravo, Cozens... Eichel and the other older veterans should be embarrassed it took a 19yr old rookie to step up...
  10. It’s all about character... and culture... Starts at the top with ownership... who is hired as GM... who is hired as Coach... who is drafted... who is traded away... and who is signed to join the group... The Buffalo Sabres fail on several levels as a professional hockey franchise... Won’t get fixed without a big change in character... and culture...
  11. Botterill needs to reinforce his standard for players... If you don’t want to be here to contribute to our future ... We don’t want you here... Erod is no exception...
  12. Delighted Skinner will remain a Sabre for years to come... but just read his interview reported by AP... For a guy who just signed an 8 yr $72MM contract with Buffalo... sure want him to stop using the pronouns “their” and “they”... and start using the pronouns “our” and “us”... Wake up, Skinner...
  13. It’s apparent the players don’t like Housley’s system... They either don’t understand how to execute it as a group on the ice... or they quit on it and are playing their own game... It is a complete fail... Housley has to go... Botterill needs to hire a firebrand who can motivate this bunch of coddled underachievers... Botterill is on the dime... Pegulas need to demand results from him or hire a hockey czar to supervise the guy...
  14. Cynic stands in the shadows... snickering... The crowd cheers Hope...
  15. Lehner has issues... Carries his demons with him... Just proves the truth of the wisdom there is no such thing as a geographic cure to dependency... Good luck to him... The Pegalss and the Buffalo Sabres are good people for supporting him while he was here...
  16. Just for once... Housley should tell the players one word in the pregame... Shoot... Get the puck... If you are open... Shoot... If you are not open get it to any open man to put a shot on goal... No pretty plays... Get in fron of the net... Let the points shoot... Shoot... Shoot... Defense will take care of itself... Shoot the puck on net... Rush the net... Just for once... Let the players play...
  17. Maybe Botterill should swap rosters with the Americans... Clean sweep... Those AHL kids know how to shoot and win... Would be a lot more entertaining than the current bunch... Sure, they would get beaten most games... but at least they would care enough to show up... and fans would cheer them on...
  18. Housley has to go... He has no impact with this bunch... Nice guy, but the players don’t play for him... Kim Pegala needs to hire a Coach who is a no-nonsense hockey man... A Coach who will not make excuses for his team when they fail to show up... Start sending some of the overpaid, under-performing veterans down to Rochester for a few months...
  19. One word... Humiliating... No pride... No performance... Housley needs to cancel the rest of the practices... Tell the team he has given up on them because they have given up on themselves... Promote Skinner and Eichel to Co- Player Coach’s for the remainder of the games... Invite Kim and Botterill to join him to watch the practices and games from the stands... Make a statement with the little season management has left...
  20. No tanking... This team needs to stop losing... Housley should ask these Sabres to look in the mirror, commit to finish strong, and begin to rebuild some pride... Let Botterill work the draft... Let Housley coach the coachable players through their offseason programs... Let the team come back recharged as winners next season...
  21. You’re used to losing??... What about the locker room??... What is most disturbing is it doesn’t seem to bother the players much, either... With the exception of Eichel, Skinner, Reinhardt... the rest of the players have limited impact... If it weren’t for decent goaltending, it would be truly ugly... Housley commands no respect with this bunch... Botterill needs to makes changes... Get some players with skill, grit, and pride... who love scoring and love winning so much... they refuse to quit in any game...
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