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Everything posted by Scottysabres

  1. If he fought his way to the front of the net for a hat trick, I'd be impressed šŸ¤£ But ya, other wise, youtube fight fodder, I agree.
  2. McKinnon or Kuch, I chose Kuch. Really all on that list are fantastic though.
  3. I didn't read 1 word of the op (sorry GA, I'll get around to it), but illiciting a response like this from you PA gets an automatic LMAO šŸ¤£, so I'm looking forward to reading GA's op.
  4. The Blue Coats have had our number as of late. Hoping tonight is different...and Rob, find a razor, or trim that bicycle seat, the stragglers are running wild. Go Sabres...and Rob's razor!!!
  5. Yes I can, and yes I do. When I watch them, which is basically 1 in 4 games now. I was a rabid fan for 40+ years. Any televised game I could possibly find a way to watch, I would. As an example, while traveling to Lamar Colorado for work, Lamar being a smaller town, I couldn't catch a place that had the ability to watch the Sabres vs Capitals one night back in 04. I drove 4.5 hours to Denver to watch the game, taking 2 days off of work to do it šŸ˜† Now, because of the drought, my interest has tailed off to a mere after thought. As die Hard as I was, 10+ seasons of suck has drained my desire to motivate to watch them.
  6. Over all they've played down to their opponents level. This is undeniable.
  7. This team looks like they've quit. Straight out, no sugar coating just how terrible they look.
  8. Looking at the league standings this morning and as it stands right now our Sabres are drafting their usual 8th over all again. How depressing.
  9. It is a light-hearted moment to be sure. The home game performances as of the last few seasons have relegated our conversions to "non play" stick lift mob anger šŸ¤£ I mean, honestly, every now and then, we should all stop and chuckle at ourselves, it is humorous to say the least. For myself, when I saw this thread, I personally envisioned Sam Kinnison screaming "So, ummm, you don't want to lift the stick......LIFT THE STICK, LIFT THE STICK". I can't help it, he just comes to mind on subject matter like this šŸ¤£
  10. To myself in any event, this is much ado about nothing. And what I mean by that is I view the players as more than just the logo on the jersey, they're people. They have emotions just as we fans as people do. Yes I understand 13 years and counting, and yes I get it, we pay their salaries. But I believe they are frustrated as well as we are and while I to expect them to solve the issues holding them back since we can't, I expect emotions from the players. Meh, if they want to voice their collective displeasure with fans chanting fire Donny, then so be it. I have seen 0 improvement on the home game disasters front, so, fans have good reason to be emotional. If the players want that to change, it's within their ability alone to do so. So raise your sticks, don't raise your sticks, I honestly don't give a ***** either way, but if they'd like the crowds support, then *****'in earn it. Show up at home and earn our loyalty. Just my 2 cents is all.
  11. Honestly, I've stopped going to games at all now and I catch maybe 1 out of every 5 games on TV now. My apathy is nearly complete, so I could care less at this point if they played an entire season over seas. Thanks Terry, for the complete destruction of my obsessive loyalty to the Sabres, I guess?
  12. I feel optimistic. Sabres win it.... Nahhhh, just kidding šŸ¤£
  13. This Chuefs team will go down as one of the greatest teams in NFL history. Have to admit, I'm very impressed with that organization. Congrats Chiefs and Chiefs fans
  14. No, that is not my point, merely opining on the idea that it's plausible Terry is doing so intentionally. No my real point is what I stated at the outset of my original comment, which was I am of the opinion that if Terry sold the Sabres, they would be moved, and I stand by opinion. WNY is running out of billionaires to fall back on is my view of the situation, then gave my reason for my opinion. Agree, disagree, it's all a moot point as of now as I don't see Terry selling. But, anything can happen.
  15. While you make valid points, I disagree. There are reasons why the Sabres organization was highly considered movable during the NHL stewardship years. If not for Galisano, I do not believe the organization would not have stayed in Buffalo. With the continued growth of population centers within the sphere of the regularly exposed to hockey areas, those populations quest for entertainment will, and has only grown, hockey amongst those entertainment values. You make it out as though the rest of the northern half of the Western Hemisphere has suffered the same fate as the post industrial WNY era, that's just not the case.
  16. If the team is sold, the team is gone imho. The NHL is a business, there are much larger markets with far greater profit margins than the Western New York market, and the NHL is all about revenue, they don't give a hoot about loyalty to those that love the sport, they care about revenue generation. This is simple supply and demand economics. Supply a team in a market with greater demand then the WNY market. Pegula has 100% driven demand here in WNY of an NHL product right in to the ground, this is not even debatable. Did he do it intentionally? I don't think so. I believe he's honestly tried to create a winning product here. I picture Pegula as Wiley Coyote, always trying to catch the Roadrunner but causing constant pain to himself as opposed to achieving the final goal.
  17. HEY, someone's got to take one for the team, so unless your stepping up with a wig on, let's keep our options open šŸ¤£
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