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Everything posted by woods-racer

  1. Preaching no...... well, not that I can ever remember.. see part c. from above
  2. Are you implying that being American waging a crusade on Canadian soil (it is after all, their religion.....I mean game) will end well? Again, I refer to history, and think it will be a trying experience that may wind up a futile and costly endeavor , plus his monster truck may get a few tires slashed.....
  3. The Tank Crusader? Historically speaking that doesn't end so well....
  4. NO, NO, NO this thread must remain alive and vibrant to remind us of the last thing DR did before being banished to the desert. By bringing Cody here and signing him to a long term contract ,so we must endure martyrdom till the end of the DR era by keeping this thread open.
  5. Tonight is Wed rivalry night on NBCSN Capitals / Penguins Last few years this has been a great match up. With a Caps win , they sweep the season series. This matchup has been some of the best games to watch, these teams truly hate each other with good hockey, and solid hitting. I'm sure one of will watch, just to have dreams of Ovechkin in a Sabres sweater.......
  6. Cody, 10:35 TOI, 2 shots , plus, even a blind squirrel can find a nut, GOAL!!. Take that all of you Cody haters....
  7. That's the rub, if GMTM brings them up, Nolan doesn't give them ice time (Larrson 3-5 minutes per game), what is to judge?
  8. The way this winter is going the tank and winter may official end on the same weekend in June.
  9. I have a strong hunch, has something to do with how you spend Fridays... But I can fun about it... a little, as long as its for medicinal purposes?
  10. Can we start a post season tank (swear) jar? Use the word "tank" for any reason, gotta put a buck in the jar... Starting the day after the last draft pick is taken...
  11. That is the goal of the season to be DFL, not talking about is like not talking about the Presidents cup if that was the goal of the season. Also, and most importantly, and I hope we are all thinking this when we post. I respect your opinions, we may not agree, but in the end we are just as passionate about the same thing, the Sabres.
  12. We all post what we feel and think, so there will never be consensus. I think it would be a bit disturbing that we should be expected to feel and think in any way normal this season. It should be expected that posters on here should be a little combative and unreasonable, this is a bad time to be a Sabres fan, if our feathers don't get ruffled this season what kind of passionate fan base do the Sabres have?
  13. That's just mean, that's really mean to paint that mental picture of Stafford skating around in a Sabres sweater with the C on it come October, hopefully they'll miss spell his name and he won't catch it. I think your playing with fire there young man..
  14. I will bet that neither would give the same answer for any of those questions. I believe GMTM is on an island, to be held at arms length from the rest of the organization. He knows what he must do, and not to look like he is doing it. Those under him feel they are being left out to dry, those over him may think he could do more. I bet everyone at the Sabres will be relieved once this season is over with, it has to be hell.
  15. https://2inthebox.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/sabres-tank1.jpg I find this funny.. And when in pain, the best medicine is laughter, it may be a crazed insane laugh, but let it out, your coworkers will leave you alone for the rest of the day.
  16. I don't want him, he's not professional enough for my standards! If he does that for 5 years getting his bachelor's degree, then he'll meet my standards, and I'll consider him a professional. :nana:
  17. And a dig at Nolan? GMTM thinks Nolan is telling the kids to play simple, nothing fancy, play not to loose mentality. Where GMTM wants to see if their game is good enough for the big leagues, he wants the kids to have some freedom to make a few mistakes, but also to let go of their inhibitions to hopefully let their natural talent come out. I'm the GM, I know the difference between talent and youthful brain farts, let them play.... dig to Nolan?
  18. :thumbsup: It wasn't easy for any of us. You have been forced to put logic before passion, in a realm where passion rules. At the start of almost every season hope should spring eternal. But this year is like no other, your passion should not be for the here and now, but for what could be. Be as passionately mad about 30th as a normal year about the cup, because just by finishing 30th, a goal set out to do by this organization, they will have succeeded in obtaining a very difficult objective. By finishing last, we start a new, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes..
  19. So to summarize, it could be: the worst $50.00 you could ever win because we don't finish DFL and the best $50.00 you could ever loose because we finished DFL about right? Only to Buffalo sports fans is that totally logical... we b crazy :thumbsup:
  20. Is this what GMTM is saying in the nicest possible way ? I call Rochester, they tell me Larsson is playing the best NHL ready hockey... Larsson comes to the big club and plays on a line with Ellis and Hodgson and their getting 3-10 TOI per game.. Now your asking me what is wrong with Larsson? I let the coaches coach and the players play, if they are not performing well, you can make up your own mind as to who and why... I'm getting the feeling it's 60% unfavorable coaching toward Nolan, and 40% not doing enough towards Larsson. Seem about fair? Definitely not a thata boy for either..
  21. You always are way hard son of a suka. That "transcends" mutual benefit. ;) You are correct Anna, sorry...
  22. I was able to listen to that, he thought that the only way Jets won is if one of the 2 prospects panned out as good NHL players, and seemed to me to hint that the chances were marginal. He said almost nothing about Stafford, which I took as if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
  23. Kolberg is a douche , I say this because in adulthood my morality is based on principle that transcend mutual benefit, and Kolberg is not a Sabres fan, therefore a douche.
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