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Everything posted by woods-racer

  1. So they could get blue balls , elephantitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, the clap, crabs,date raped,... That should work, I'd forfeit if I was on the other team...
  2. This is in no way experience talking? Right? :nana:
  3. Sabres make the playoffs, and get Boston's 1st overall, run with it..... come on be HAPPY!
  4. Have the coach remind them that they need to start playing good enough to get traded.... It's all down hill from there.
  5. Excellent opening to a thread Comrade. Wish I was there, could you imagine going to a hockey game in a t-shirt right now.... a Sabres T of coarse, wouldn't go to FNC south any other way.
  6. I have a Dream..... Stewart is traded to Boston for a conditional 1st in the 2015 draft. If Boston makes the playoff's this year, Sabres get Boston's 2016 1st. Boston squeaks into the playoffs, looses in the 1st round by some bad ref call, or who ever they play "cheats" (the Karma loss). Their fans are all Boston snarky (that seems to be a forum fav word), and demand justice. In 2016 they start out great, the fans are back to "Boston Proud", then pull a Islanders 2nd half of the season tank job. They finish tenth in the East. But thanks to the new lottery system, they wind up with the magic ball, and in the 2016 draft we hear AGAIN!!! With the FIRST over pick in the 2016 draft the Buffalo Sabres pick........ I have a dream....
  7. Seriously? They are not that good, to expect much. They are a middle of the pack team, with a goalie that can steal them games (when he's not injured). They remind me of the Sabres in the 2012-13 season. They look like a team that needs a "rebuild", or be stuck in hockey purgatory with a 7th-10th finish every year.
  8. This is getting fun!! Pysyk packing his bags, ready for the trade? GMTM has seen enough, the kid is good, save him for next year? We won 2 in a row, scored 10 goals in 2 games, the grip on McEichel is slipping?
  9. Let me guess, there's a buy out clause on his contract....
  10. Personally I see a nice Shiraz, not Port, staining on your lovely cranium.
  11. I will say they are playing to be traded, maybe come Tuesday, they will not even need to whisper, they will just understand?
  12. Are you suggesting..... oh this is bad..... an all Darcy lineup ?? What happened to Happy thoughts? Just joking, but it would work, heck we lived it, we know it will work. Just not sure if we will live through it a second time.
  13. Isn't that what they call whoopee on The Newlywed Game show?...
  14. I'd bring Leino back, tell GM and Coach he gets 20+ minutes a game or else..... Done deal, 30th is locked...
  15. thank you! It "sounded" like sarcasm, but after the crusades, I wasn't sure if I could joke around. I think some took us too literally.
  16. A little preface here, Been gone a long time from WNY, no internets (dial up doesn't count) during Dom's time, so no social media catching him and me seeing it with my own two eyes. So are you funning? Because I am told everything you post should be taken literally (can't divulge who PM'd me) and you would never tell anything less than the whole truth. But I just can't picture all 140 pounds of Dom wasted in a Buffalo bar... But if you say it's the truth, I'll believe you...
  17. I was all happy till the Weird Al video, now I have to go home and change before I go out.. and that song is stuck in my head. Seriously, tye dyed sweats with winter boots are tacky ?? Warm, functional and stylish I thought. It's ok, I'll just put on some cargo pants....happy happy happy again.!!
  18. It's all good NS has clear Russian Elixir for me :P
  19. See this is how it all starts... Someone may not know that I call you ...The Instigator.. and for good reason I may add... and think you might be picking on me. But if I had an English teach half as dedicated as Ivanna Byleyvenlov , you wood never be ables to make funs of me.
  20. Your right, there has been anarchy on the forum lately, everybody is way to serious. It's just funny that the funniest thread today is in one of the most serious threads. But at least we are having our bitch out on topic. The irony of it all.
  21. How does one explain the whole TANK thing to the desk Sargent? He asked what started it all, do I start with Darcy Regier?
  22. Hey hey There is in fighting, snipping, slanderous remarks going on here, PLUS way off topic I'm calling the internets police......
  23. I don't understand any of the above.. sometimes it's a good thing to be an old neophyte..
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