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Everything posted by woods-racer

  1. Anti tankers going pro tank is the worst juju, jinx, anti Shart mojo that could happen... man we are picking third now.. but hey I'd never call you a douche.
  2. Not sure I can go for that, but if I get a great contact high I'll buy the Twinkies
  3. A back hand shot from our own blue line by McCabe and Forsburg had to struggle with the save.
  4. Imagine if the goalies flip teams for this game, that's the only reason the Sabres are in this. 2 easy saves by Forsberg and at best the Sabres are tied, hate to loose McEichel over this meaningless game because CBJ goalie is a wet paper towel.
  5. Seriously, CBJ are making the Hodgson Ellis line look good ..
  6. Girgensons, taking one for the tank...
  7. Sweden called , their idiot is missing, could be impersonating a goalie.
  8. Buffalo being out shot 13 to 9, coming up with a couple of fishy ones lead 2 to nothing.... he's not a Hall of Fame announcer because he sugar coats the game.
  9. Mr. Hustle, Destroyer or Worlds, short handed goal. the tank this is fun, even if it only lasts a period
  10. I completely forgot, this is the game of the Brothers Foligno..
  11. Here he goes by NS, but when leaving the Siberian Russian spy training grounds, his code name was......The Instigator....
  12. Not going to name names ... This video contains contents from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds but why do Canadians put up a video that only they can enjoy, not very nice I must say. Here I was lead to believe that this particular Canadian was very nice too.....
  13. Getting your Sabres' McDavid jersey signed before the draft is more awful than both...
  14. Chilled Straight up with a lemon twist, please? And I'm sure this goes without saying, but... for medicinal purposes only, Doctor Vodka Bottle of Emotion, other wise I wouldn't have asked...
  15. bet this brings a smile to John Bonham ....
  16. Not having to try hard, thats what makes you the Pro... :worthy:
  17. Not yet to England... If I remind you of someone: a.) Stop frequenting that establishment, as you should not associate with those types, you will be corrupted. b.) Seek a good mental health provider , the damage may be reversible, but it's a costly treatment. c.) If a and b are unsuccessful , Vodka, lots and lots of Vodka. It won't cure anything, just helps you forget. It's probably a good thing if he has never had a girl friend turn and look at him and say.. I'm late. Of coarse, at that age the boys response is... late for what?
  18. Because it's stuck, and I need to share the pain..
  19. So thats where they train Russian spies... Interesting...very interesting...
  20. Wouldn't it be great to see the NHL adapt the theory of the USSR teams. The flow, skating, and playmaking are so much fun to watch. But as I sit here writing this GMTM is hopefully building a Stanley Cup contender, and his model is the L.A. Kings, the antithesis of that article.
  21. Wow seven pages and going because Z showed up late ... Thank goodness it wasn't his girlfriend that was late, the need to grow up fast talk on here would be ....wait for it...legendary!
  22. Just to get in the spirit I'm going on Netflix to watch Rocky IV and root for Ivan to beat Rocky, for the second time. What are we to chant now .... USSR, Russia ? Where's NS when you need him?
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