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Everything posted by kas23

  1. Yeah, we read it in the other thread....
  2. I think what was lost in translation is that he actually said "The Sabres are my first choice, but since I've been running my mouth saying nasty things since I was traded, I don't think they would want me back".
  3. 1) Theres nothing to think that a McT or him/his coach is moving on. There's just no evidence to suggest this. 2) I don't think anyone has been making fun of the City of Edmonton 3) We're going to want to stay up late to watch the Battle of Alberta? No thanks I'm pretty sure people have been saying this every year for the past 3 years.
  4. I don't think Tippett will become available. Why would he? He seems to have a great relationship with management and he knows, as well as their GM, that he was set up to lose.
  5. It's pretty strange when a person's surname is filtered out. Sign him now.
  6. Seriously, let's see some hands here. Forget McDavid for a minute. Is there anyone on here that's upset about picking Eichel?
  7. He has manned the helm for 2 trade deadlines, include trading off Miller and Myers. It's not like he's been twiddling his thumbs.
  8. They actually could build their team for many years if they traded down to 2, then traded down to 3 and took Hanifan.
  9. There really wasn't anything "overt" about this "tank". You think Arizona playing light out against San Jose was part of the "tank"? You think Nolan riding Lindback nightly, who posted a 0.924 save average since being traded, was congruent with a "tank"?
  10. Except for Darcy, who would fit in perfectly as dismantles the team.
  11. It would be foolish to pass on the money, especially to do something he loves. With one stroke of the pen, he can assure the future of himself and his future family. Horrible freak accidents can occur and he's best signing the contract.
  12. Wait, are we going to be able to root for a Sabres win? I'm afraid with all of us gunning for the top pick, a "losing culture" has permeated throughout Sabres fandom, which could take years to stamp out.
  13. Sabres need to be changed to unclenched.
  14. I would like to tell everyone that I just my pants.
  15. Yeah, but I'm not optimistic.
  16. This team has 20 minutes to get its together or they get booed at their last home game. They need to remember why they have jobs.
  17. I'm completely trashed. Let go Canes!!!! Grigirenko, you sir are a bust (just for tonight).
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