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Everything posted by kas23

  1. All this "blue-collar" crap is really holding this city back. Last time I checked, Buffalo has lost many factories and their jobs, just as most U.S. cities (especially those in the "rust belt" - another horrible stereotype). I think it's time Buffalo stepped out of the 20th century and realized that those days are gone. It's time to look toward the future.
  2. I initially thought this too, but now I really can't say for sure if teams are tring to tank. We seen it with the Sabres and we saw it with the Yotes last night. Every loss is huge at this point, but they're still winning games they have no business winning.
  3. That's funny, I was just wondering how the Yotes fan(s) was taking this loss.
  4. This is a beautiful thing. Far more than what was expected.
  5. That would be fantastic. Either the Vinz or Irbe straps the pads on...of course with him wearing an Erie Otters Jersey on. It really depends on how bad Nolan wants to stay employed. He needs to stop being so selfish and just let this play out. It's not about him. It's about the Sabres, it's about his boss and the guy who signs his paycheck.
  6. http://sabres.buffalonews.com/2015/03/24/darcy-regier-planning-to-be-in-buffalo-for-sabres-game-against-coyotes/ I just don't like the sound of this. It's almost like he's coming back to make sure the job's done right, but ironically for another team. Or, the stench Darcy will carry with him throughout FNC will just cause the Sabres to raise their game. Perhaps the Sabres should through together a little video tribute for him - just to get our players and the crowd nauseated enough to pull out the win.
  7. By the time Matthews makes it to the NHL, it'll be for Las Vegas.
  8. If anyone has such mixed emotions (or even remotely entertains them), I really can't see how they could consider themselves a Sabres fan.
  9. I agree. But stripping the Sabres of their 1st round draft pick this year would result in many years-worth of negative consequences, especially when the charges put forth (cheating) are bordering on not even debatable because they could they ever be proven and, in my wildest dreams, I could never imagine a player come forth in saying Nolan told them to throw games. I was going to put forth that anyone for stripping the Sabres of a draft pick would be putting the integrity of the NHL before the welfare of the Sabres. However, that's not accurate. Because stripping the Sabres of a draft pick would go against the very rules the NHL instituted themselves - in in itself would bastardize the integrity of the NHL. What the Sabres are doing are completely within the bylaws of the NHL.
  10. Ok. I somewhat agree with the eye roll, but I was just giving NS respect in order to get a serious response because I honestly can't fathom why someone calling themselves a "fan" would wish ill will towards a team they supposedly love. It doesn't matter if you are pro-tanker or anti-tanker, we all want the Sabres to succeed - we just differ in how this should occur. Wishing the Sabres were stripped of their draft pick is a complete departure from this though.
  11. Ok. No eye-roll here. I understand what you are saying and I agree cheating shouldn't be rewarded. But what exactly are the Sabres doing that constitutes cheating? To me they seem to be putting forth a respectable effort given their talent level. Our goalies aren't shooting on their own net (the video of Smith I posted in the thread). I respectfully disagree with the anti-tankers, but you seem to be taking it to an altogether new level. So, why are you wishing ill will on a team you supposedly are a fan of?
  12. I just find it very bizarre you would say this. As a self-described fan, can you please articulate exactly why the Sabres should be barred from acquiring the talent at the top of this year's draft? I think it's abundantly clear the Sabres are giving their best effort on a nightly basis, so why exactly would you want your supposed favorite NHL team punished? If it's about the actions of GMTM, it's called a rebuild. GM's within every sport do it every year. And if you still fault him, remind yourself that he's not responsible for his players' effort nor Nolan's desire to win.
  13. The more I think about it, it's just really strange that Arizona even has a NHL team. Why would fans even care? If there are indeed young people who grow up around there (instead of elderly explants), why would they even care about hockey? I doubt there highschools even have teams. I even wonder if there's ice rinks there.
  14. It's' getting out of control. From this angle, it doesn't even look like a mistake: http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2015/3/21/8271401/coyotes-goalie-shoots-puck-off-penguins-players-butt-into-his-own-net
  15. No game is safe at this point. We must be relentless in our pursuit. There's no room for complacency in the CHL this season.
  16. That's the very thing though. How can you label yourself a fan if you're not invested in the team's long-term future? There's no future in winning games for the rest of this season. There's no moral points awarded by the NHL, they're just stats at this point. Plus, after rooting for the Sabres for 40+ years, how can you call yourself a fan if you think your sense of loyalty will be compromised over the results of the next 12 games? Lastly, what exactly is this "lay down and die" hyperbole you speak of?
  17. F Nolan. I hope Lindback lets in 5 goals tonight. Watch Nolan his pants and cry like a baby.
  18. This team bent over backwards in bringing Nolan back to the NHL, where his career started. Otherwise he'd be sitting at home on his couch. He had his chance to even leave after Patty left, but he's the one who decided to stay and see this through. He has zero right to give anyone an F U as he walks out except himself. He is singlehandedly setting this team back for years. Have fun back on the couch, Teddy.
  19. Great. Maybe his next stop will be in the press box.
  20. I would agree Nolan deserves to be fired if we lose this thing. He was originally fired because he couldn't work with management in the past and he's repeating himself yet again. Management and coach should have a unified vision and Nolan's off doing his own thing. If not now, he's going to be a liability in the future.
  21. kas23

    The . Thread

    Why do we need a thread about the female menstrual cycle?
  22. You must love Buffalo sports then, the epitome of mediocrity. Doesn't it get old? You understand this city has never tasted a championship, right? Our franchise owners have loved this attitude: good enough to keep butts in the seat, but not too good where'd they actually have to spend money on the team. I wonder if it has more to do with parity. Players never intentionally tank in any sport. And in the NFL, any team can win on a given Sunday. Plus, the NFL doesn't have an annual player sell-off, which can have instant and impressive effects on tanking.
  23. I think you meant to say: The Sabres could clinch a playoff spot with a Boston loss tomorrow.
  24. Too bad Hackett would likely garner little attention, if any at all, if he hit free agency.
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