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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. i'd be open to the idea. But there'd have to be some thought given to how it would affect 4 year colleges. Would more people go to 2 year colleges first, thus reducing the headcount and tuition for the 4 year colleges, which may cause them to raise the cost for the last 2 years to make up for lost revenue. Would the 4 year colleges accept the credits from the 2 year college, or make the students retake some of the classes as a way to boost income. How much more would have to be invested in 2 year colleges (buildings, staff) to accommodate the increase in enrollment.
  2. I don't believe in free college education. Students and their families should have some skin in the game to make sure the students take it seriously. Provide a sliding scale of aid based on economic need to level the field, provide no-interest loans, and find ways to lower the tuition colleges charge. If I was a young person around college age I could see the appeal of the promise of free college, until I realized it would be paid for by higher taxes on my parents.
  3. Nobody should regret who they vote for. It's your chance to express your opinion.
  4. The drop in the unemployment rate in Ohio has paralleled the national average. If we're going to credit a governor for job growth, then we need to do so for the nation. Thanks, President Obama.
  5. By doing this he becomes a restricted free agent next year, as opposed to a unrestricted free agent.
  6. Somebody rushed the stage. It's not clear what he was going to do. He may have wanted to get the mike like was done in Chicago.
  7. They'll bring him in for testing and practice with the team, working with the goalie coach, and maybe they'll give him a game near the end of the season.
  8. The Sanders campaign got a judge in Ohio to rule that 17 year olds who will be 18 by the general election in November be allowed to vote in Tuesday's primary. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted bashed the ruling in a statement released after the decision. “This last minute legislating from the bench on election law has to stop. Our system cannot give one county court the power to change 30 years of election law for the entire state of Ohio, 23 days into early voting and only four days before an election," he said. "We will appeal this decision because if there is a close election on Tuesday we need clarity from the Supreme Court to make sure that ineligible voters don't determine the outcome of an election." http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/272740-ohio-judge-rules-some-17-year-olds-can-vote-in-primary
  9. What objective source did you get that information from? Young children that accidentally shoot their siblings, friends, or parents don't care either, because they're too young to understand.
  10. Any crowd there? Dumb idea to have it at a neutral site instead of at the higher seed's city.
  11. Not total eradication, just those guns whose primary or only purpose is to shoot people. Law abiding gun owners are law abiding until they're not, and then it's too late. And I don't fear the military and police.
  12. Not limit to, but regulate what exists. There are regulations regarding what can be shown or said on tv and radio, as well as getting licensing to own and broadcast from stations. I can't build a huge antenna or cell tower in my backyard unregulated. I'm just saying the same rules should apply to modern weapons. It's not an absolute right, as some believe. The families of gun victims would disagree.
  13. People should have unregulated access to all the single shot pistols and muskets available in the 18th century that they want. Any guns developed after the Constitution was enacted should be open to any regulations we decide on.
  14. What do you teach at RIT? My son is in the New Media Design program.
  15. She said she's not a natural politician like Bill or President Obama. She's better at doing the job than making the sale.
  16. So which side do you take; let him be the nominee if he has the most delegates but not enough, or deny him the nomination regardless? BTW, yesterday on CNN Trump said, "I think Islam hates us". I recall at the beginning of the campaign some people complained there weren't enough. At this point the moderators are just repeating old questions.
  17. Trump would be labelled a traitor by his supporters if he abandons his extremist views that attracted them in the first place. Clinton supporters know she is a moderate with a realistic progressive agenda that has similar goals as Sanders but not his extreme remedies that would never get past Congress.
  18. Thankfully Hillary hasn't adopted Bernie's favorable feelings towards Castro and Ortega, which he wouldn't refute last night.
  19. There's a difference between supporting something in theory and actually voting for it. The auto bailout was part of the overall bailout to keep the banks from collapsing. So Bernie voted against the actual bill that provided loans to the auto industry. That's a fact. Bernie threw the baby out with the bathwater. Which party supported the auto industry will be more of a factor in the general election.
  20. If you look at just delegates won (not superdelegates), Clinton currently leads Sanders by 205 delegates. If the Democrats had changed all the states to winner-take-all, Clinton would lead Sanders by 459 delegates. And it could be even more if all the states had primaries, not caucuses, and only allowed Democrats to vote in the Democrat primaries. So in this election the rules have helped Sanders.
  21. He has started to act like those he used to think were bad by killing people just because they might be a threat, even though they haven't directly attacked. Would he now fail his own questions of "How many people have you killed, and why?".
  22. ...after a very close race in Michigan and a huuge! loss in Mississippi last night fell behind by a net 30 more delegates to Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
  23. The problem isn't the two party system, it's the gerrymandering of congressional districts which has led to less moderate representatives than those in the past who had to appeal to the moderate middle, which has resulted in an unwillingness to compromise to get results that benefit the majority. 3rd and 4th parties would only further draw us away from the moderate middle we need to get back to.
  24. Clinton talked about it in last night's debate, as she has previously. It just doesn't get the press coverage like the size of Trump's hands.
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