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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. You're missing out on the best movie portrayal of Batman.
  2. Those are the consequences of breaking the law.
  3. I always thought it was breaking the law that put people on prison. Must be different rules in Canada.
  4. Are you referring to the crime bill that Bernie voted for, after he ran for the Senate claiming he'd be tough on crime. The Clintons aren't back pedaling, Bill rightfully took on the protesters about which group (blacks) were most hurt by crime and helped by the bill. He later said he should have handled to confrontation differently, but didn't back away from the bill. Hillary says that the bill, which Bernie voted for, did good but did overreach in some aspects, as she talked about in her first campaign speech last year. Facts matter.
  5. The anticipation that something could happen every time Jack has the puck is a level of excitement I haven't had since Perreault. Great all around play and leadership from ROR. Smart plays and hands of Reinhart. Risto with solid D and starting to get some grit. Heavy game and forechecking from DLo and Kane. Even Gionta getting his game together in the 2nd half of season. And the honesty of GMTM, who I expect will make more moves to put the team in the playoff race next season.
  6. Bailey went back to Amerks. They have Fasching, COR, and Nelson with the team. Thought they should have given Lieuwan a start.
  7. Kevin Sylvester is leaving WGR Hockey Hotline to cover golf on satellite radio. No replacement mentioned.
  8. Seeing the iconic heroes of my youth together in a serious movie was terrific. There are many who think the movie is too grimdark, but I prefer this type of movie like Watchmen and V for Vendetta. If you like the the rainbow, unicorn, and juju bean Supergirl show, you won't like the movie.
  9. I thought that too, but then the border patrol took a random sample from the truck and ran it through an x-ray machine. And I think they were tubs of ice cream.
  10. And Paypal canceling plans for 400 job support center.
  11. I don't think Trump allows foreigners in.
  12. I just hope no Buffalo sports figures make endorsements in the election. Jim Kelly endorsed Republicans in the past, but to endorse Trump or Cruz would be too much and would hurt his image.
  13. I was both surprised and disappointed with the Amerks this season. I really thought their mix of veterans and youth were going to be successful. With the continued influx of young players in the mix, I expect that some of the veterans will be released or retire next season (Ellis, Kaleta, D'Amico, Sanguinetti, Mormina, Nevins, Lieuwen).
  14. Actually, I was pointing out that Bernie himself said he didn't know how to implement his policies. So Bernie opened the door, but like you I will close it. I don't think Hillary would pick someone older than herself. That would lead to the Repubs claiming they're the past, and the Repubs are the future. Plus, I think the party would prefer a long-time Democrat, possibly a past or present governor from a swing state. And depending on if there is a Hispanic on the Repub ticket, they may want to balance it with a Hispanic of their own or at least someone who speaks fluent Spanish like Tim Kaine.
  15. It would be a good introduction of Negan if they took the first couple of episodes next season showing his back story, how he got to this point, and his reaction to the attacks on his people by the Alexandrians. On the Talking Dead they talked about if we had been following Negan from the start instead of Rick, we might consider Rick to be the villain without knowing his story.
  16. That's fine, but you opened the door. I think too often people make general statements and innuendo based on their opinions and then it gets accepted without proof, as is often the case with Clinton.
  17. That's an exaggeration that gets thrown around, but she's been consistent in her base positions. Everybody but the Neo-cons agree that giving Bush authority for the Iraq War was a mistake because he didn't do what he told Congress he would do, namely give the inspectors time to verify there were or weren't WMDs. What are all the major issues you claim she often changes on?
  18. I still think Enid is involved with the Saviors. How did they know when and where to set up roadblocks? Did Enid spike Maggie's pickle juice, and then tell the Saviors? Why was she so concerned that Carl wouldn't come back? My guess is Negan gets rid of Maggie because she's the weakest and won't be able to provide, or Abraham because he looks the toughest. Abraham was being optimistic in the RV, and that's never good for a character.
  19. All politicians change based on the changing views of the voters. Thats not what this is about. This is about Bernie not being able to articulate how he would implement the policies he advocates, or even if they would be be legal based on current law.
  20. Chester Clark Mc-Arthur Ulysses Grant Ledyard Luke Quincy Adams
  21. I don't know if Jimmy will get blamed, Kim might be the one who gets blamed since it was her job to do the detail work. Howard might think she purposely sabotaged them before she left. It looks like Mike is making a spike strip to stop that delivery truck, which from the sound of the air wrenches must be carrying "the goods" inside it's tires.
  22. Not surprising in an open primary state with a small minority population. But the facts remain that over 2 million more people have voted for Clinton over Sanders, and she leads by more pledged delegates than Obama led Clinton at this point. And it's not good when Bernie can't even answer questions about how he would implement his main campaign positions about Wall Street and the banks. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/04/05/9-things-bernie-sanders-shouldve-known-about-but-didnt-in-that-daily-news-interview/
  23. I do not. Do they play political hardball? You bet, but unlike many politicians they actually get results that benefit the country.
  24. At least they haven't made it their official science book...yet.
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