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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. Those lazy liberal welfare cheats! http://www.syracuse.com/crime/index.ssf/2016/06/owner_of_diner_whose_menu_lampoons_obama_guilty_in_welfare_fraud_case.html#incart_m-rpt-1
  2. Finally watched Civl War. The previous Cap movies are my favorites from Marvel, but unfortunately this one fell short. The contradiction that they were being sanctioned by the gov'ts because of all the destruction they've been involved with, and then they continue it by trashing the airport and the highway above and below (copied from Joker in Dark Knight?) didn't make sense. And wouldn't T'Challa have diplomatic immunity? I thought Crossbones and Zemo were wasted opportunities. Zemo should have been tied to his father or grandfather fighting Cap in WWII. And were's the mask? Killing the other super soldiers instead of using them was another mistake. And I thought they overdid Cap's strength, from grounding a helicopter to punching Tony's armor. My favorite parts were Giant Man, and the Spider-man banter. But again Spider-man seemed shoehorned in without getting team training. The scene at the Parker apt should have been the post credit intro to the character. Overall it felt rushed with too many characters for a Cap movie. The surprises and mystery of the first two movies was lacking. I found BvS much more satisfying in both story and character development.
  3. I find it hard to blame a president for less than ideal economic growth if the Congress doesn't pass legislation that a president proposes to increase economic growth. It would be legitimate if they voted for proposals a president supported, and they then didn't bring the expected economic results. The early term bailouts of the banks (which have been paid back) and the support for the auto industry (which has led to a resurgence of the American auto industry) were Obama's achievements with a 2008 cooperative Congress that did boost the economy. To be where we are after where we were in 2008 in spite of the past few years of Republican majority Congressional intransigence is quite impressive. Imagine where we could be with a cooperative Congress whose priority wasn't just opposing whatever the president proposes.
  4. That's OK, I'll let GED's bet stand so his charity benefits.
  5. I think Cthulu is hiding on top of Trump's head. Here's an interesting theory on what the deal is with his hair. http://gawker.com/is-donald-trump-s-hair-a-60-000-weave-a-gawker-invest-1777581357 I'll take your bet if you want, but I understand if you don't want to double down. I just believe there are enough rational voters that will realize Clinton is the obvious best choice. I supported her in 2008 and even more so in 2016.
  6. My reference to the increased number of minority voters is in regards to the percentage of non-white voters that has increased since 2012. In addition, Clinton leads Trump with minorities by a greater percentage than Obama lead Romney. And then there's the suburban Republican women who have been turned off by Trump's rhetoric. He could get more white voters than Romney and still lose.
  7. Actually it's Bernie and his young supporters who are DINOs. He only joined the Democrat party for this election to take advantage of the Democrat party resources. And many of his supporters have never been registered Democrats, and in fact in the open primaries (a ridiculous rule letting non-party people to have a say in the party) many of them are independents. I don't want Clinton to go too far left just to appease unreliable DINOs. The increased percentage of minority voters who vote Democrat will be the deciding factor this year. And I'm not concerned about the claim that Trump has increased the number of Republican voters. There has been an increase in the number of Republican primary voters, but most of them are people who previously voted for Republicans in the general election but not the primaries. So they are not actually "new" voters. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-polling-turnout-early-voting-data-213897
  8. News flash, there are transgender kids in high school. They're not looking for attention, they just want to be left alone and treated as everyone else.
  9. That's a shame. Losing Bishop could cost the series.
  10. My preference is the Blues, then the Sharks, Lightning, Pens. There's no team I dislike like the Flyers, Bruins, or most Canadian teams.
  11. As long as they're buying tickets, the team can remain viable regardless of who they root for. Eventually if they start winning, they'll get more fans who root for them as has happened in Nashville, Tampa, and Dallas.
  12. They have some good young players, and like the Sabres will be improving. They averaged 13,400 fans last season with a bad record. And Quebec isn't an option as long as the Canadian dollar is low. The league would rather get $500 million from an expansion fee.
  13. What kind of nut jobs does Trump hire? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36283242 Donald Trump's ex-butler calls for Obama to be killed. The US Secret Service has launched an investigation after Donald Trump's former butler called for the death of President Barack Obama. Anthony Senecal wrote in a Facebook post that Mr Obama "should have been taken out by our military and shot as an enemy agent in his first term". Mr Senecal worked for Mr Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, for nearly 30 years.
  14. It will be interesting to see who will cave to the other. Will the Republican leadership abandon their decency and cave to Trump's positions and tone on such issues as Muslims, Mexicans, and women, or will Trump cave and modify the positions and tone that attracted many of his supporters. Given that so many Republicans are already excusing his behavior and positions to win at all costs, I suspect the rest of the leadership will cave.
  15. A new case related to the issue would have to be brought before the court, they don't go back and change a previous decision. And since it's an interpretation of the Constitution as it relates to a case, a new court could make a decision that set a new precident as to how all lower courts should now rule on similar cases. It's not making laws, it's setting precidents on how laws should be viewed as Constitutional. So if the court had a new abortion rights case before it, and ruled it Constituional to ban it, states and the federal gov't could enact new laws to restrict it.
  16. Supreme Court is a big voting issue that is not being talked about enough. Trump selections could mean an end to a woman's right to choose abortion, equality for gays, voting rights reform, and reversing Citizens United. Young voters who just assume certain rights and didn't live through the legal battles need to be reminded. A Republican senator said that if Hillary wins, the Senate should quickly approve Garland because he'll be less liberal than a Hillary nominee. Obama should then stick it to them for not approving Garland sooner and pull back the nomination, and say to the Repubs that he's just leaving it to the next president like they said they wanted to.
  17. Looks like Caggiula has chosen Edmonton.
  18. Didn't take long for Trump to find a new target: @realDonaldTrump Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see if she is Native American. I say she’s a fraud!
  19. AHL news: With Arizona moving their Springfield franchise out west to Tucson, the Florida Panthers announced they are moving their affiliate from Portland, Maine to Springfield. Sucks for Portland, where the public funded $34 million for arena renovations just 2 years ago.
  20. Doubt that if it's Hillary. Even it it was Trump, if 'W' could get reelected, anything is possible. Tow truck Trump supporter refuses service to stranded Sanders supporter. http://www.syracuse.com/us-news/index.ssf/2016/05/donald_trump_tow_truck_driver_ditches_bernie_sanders_supporter.html#incart_m-rpt-1
  21. Good news isn't a ratings winner, and people that are doing well or like the direction of the country don't usually speak up as much as those that aren't or don't like the way the country is changing. So the perception doesn't match the facts. With the economy, voters need to be reminded what it was like in 2007-8.
  22. You're right, I misread the article I got the number from. Bernie will point out the number of states he's won, but that doesn't equate to population, votes, or delegates. With his win in Indiana, where non-Democrats were allowed to vote for a DINO to determine who the Democrat nominee should be, he only picked up +6 delegates.
  23. I agree Bernie needs to look at the math; even if he got 100% of remaining delegates he can't get the majority of pledged delegates. And to try to convince super delegates would be hypocritical after complaining about him. Time to send Jane home to find those missing tax returns. Bernie would never be her VP pick. Tim Kaine is from Virginia, speaks Spanish, has foreign policy experience, was former chairman of the DNC, and from a state with a Democrat governor who would appoint a Democrat to replace him in the Senate. There will be some Bernie supporters who will act against their own best interest and not vote, but I expect many will be reasonable and realize Hillary is the much better alternative to Trump.
  24. Trump would love to get a woman and/or minority; Nikki Haley, Rubio, or Joanie Ernst. Christie doesn't bring much as far as swing state appeal, but he's the fallback if no one else loses their self-respect. Won't be Warren, she'd turn off moderates and two women would be a bridge too far. Clinton can win without the Bernie voters who haven't voted before. The top contenders are Tim Kaine and Tom Perez.
  25. I'm suprised Cruz dropped out tonight after Trump just slandered his father, for no other reason than to deny Trump the satisfaction. I thought he would take it to California. Will anti Trump republicans now coalesce around Kasich as an alternative for the convention?
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