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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. I'm suprised Cruz dropped out tonight after Trump just slandered his father, for no other reason than to deny Trump the satisfaction. I thought he would take it to California. Will anti Trump republicans now coalesce around Kasich as an alternative for the convention?
  2. I find the McDavid selection the hardest to justify. He missed a good portion of the season, and therefore was rested when he returned. If Eichel had that time off to recover, perhaps his points per game would have been higher. They shouldn't reward someone based on potential. Eichel played the whole season and should have been recognized for what he actually did.
  3. I'm all for interest free loans for college, for all expenses not just tuition, but you have to begin paying them back when you get a job after graduation. No free rides, the student should have some skin in the game so they take it serious and not just a four year vacation.
  4. No, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal would have been worse. I think Detroit will go hard to replace Datsyuk.
  5. I predict the Sabres will drop to 9th, and will pick a defenseman at the draft.
  6. Patrick Laime is a bit freaky looking, like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.
  7. My draft preference would be 1. Buffalo 2. Arizona 3. Columbus Screw the Canadian teams, and get Arizona to trade up to get Matthews.
  8. When the young better two-way talent makes the team, I see Larrson and Foligno playing 4th line with DLo, and Girgs playing 3rd with two better wings.
  9. John Vogl: Johan Larsson's one-year deal is for $950,000, a nice bump from $800,000.
  10. He's no better than a third line center, which when the team is healthy is where Girgs should play. So hopefully Tim can flip him for a pick at the deadline if not in the playoffs, or a short term vet if they are.
  11. I never realized the proper etiquette was to take your shoes off before slamming a car door. I've been doing it wrong my whole life.
  12. Listening to Preds radio broadcast. Pete Weber said, "It's 11 o'clock, do you know where your children are?". Then mentioned Irv Weinstein.
  13. Check out the rack in pink behind the Hawks bench.
  14. Isles keep getting away with interference whenever Florida chips it behind the D.
  15. I'd love to see the battle of Florida next round. Too bad the Isles are screwing it up. It would be nice for Lindy to win, but I can't bring myself to root for Dallas. Anybody but Dallas in the west.
  16. On Talking Saul, it was discussed that If you take the first letter of every season 2 episode title, it forms an anagram of 'fring's back'. I'm thinking that Chuck will blackmail Jimmy to not use the family name in practice anymore, or else he will expose him and implicate Kim. But would that tape be admissible as evidence in court? Any laws against recording without consent? And Jimmy could argue he said it just to make Chuck feel better. But it could be used to ruin Jimmy and Kim's reputation.
  17. @essbeeay Maybe Rex will ruin Trump's campaign like he ruined the Bills defense.
  18. His bad decision making has now gone beyond the football field.
  19. They have to get rid of that offside review next year. That's been a good goal for the history of the league. If it's not called and not obvious you let it go. Only pucks in the net should be reviewed.
  20. Saw a stat that Bernie would have to win each of the remaining states by at least 17% to catch up to Hillary in pledged delegates. What about Mosques and Synagoges?
  21. Megan Fox was born in Memphis.
  22. Not surprising from a state that has an official state rifle. "The Barrett .50 caliber rifle is a powerful gun. Widely used in the military, its rounds can "penetrate light armor, down helicopters, destroy commercial aircraft, and blast through rail cars," according to a report from the Violence Policy Center, a gun safety group. The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence describes .50 caliber rifles like the Barrett as "among the most destructive weapons legally available to civilians in the United States." And as of Wednesday, the Barrett .50 caliber is now the official state rifle of Tennessee, joining an illustrious roster of other state symbols including the raccoon (state wild animal), the tomato (state fruit), and Tennessee cave salamander (state amphibian)." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/02/26/tennessees-new-official-state-rifle-is-so-powerful-it-can-destroy-commercial-aircraft/
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