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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. People love to spread innuendo and speculate without proof because they don't like the Clintons. Never mind all the good works the Foundation has funded around the world, it's the Clintons so it must be corrupt.
  2. Because it makes sense that a 501c3 non-profit that doesn't pay taxes would try to avoid paying taxes. :doh: Keep throwing the Hail Mary for Bernie.
  3. I don't mind D-lo riding shotgun for the kids. It keeps other teams from taking liberties with them. Gretzky and Kurri had Semenko and they did OK.
  4. CD?! You guys are soft! I had 8-track tapes, which only went in one direction on one side. When I convinced my dad to put a cassette player (which I payed for) in the car, it was music freedom!
  5. I've not seen evidence that illegals are voting in place of registered citizens. They can't just show up and vote, they'd have to know the name and address of the voter in the registration book, sign with a similar signature, and then hope that person doesn't show up. You really think that's happening? It's just an excuse to suppress minority voting because they tend to vote Democrat. My 85 year old mother never got a driver's license and has no photo ID, but it's never been an issue when she votes. Again, because she "looks the part".
  6. So the people without photo IDs are more likely to be sober. Win-win. Voting is a Constitutional right, the burden should be on the gov't to prove why we shouldn't be allowed to vote, not on us to prove why we should.
  7. Kane out for season, Ennis may return, per Coach Dandy.
  8. I have voted in every level of election in NYS since the 80's, and have never been asked for any identification. Just where I live and sign the book. I must have "the right look".
  9. They often require an ID with a picture on it. If you think about it, the only official picture ID most people might have is driver's license. So it disproportionately puts an extra burden on people who don't drive or have cars, which are usually people in urban areas, which often have a large minority population. So it's a subtle way to suppress minority voting.
  10. I'd guess that many of the posters here have experience being blocked from using v-agina.
  11. Cruz scares me more than Trump because he actually believes what he says. But when Trump talks about foreign policy it shows a unique lack of understanding about the complexities of the world that also makes me shake my head in disbelief. But he would eat up Bernie in a general election after labelling him as a "socialist", which too many voters would believe means Communist.
  12. But it's not an isolated incident. This guy has also gone in the crowd and grabbed protesters. Whose campaign manager does that? That's what security is for. Trump appears to like to surround himself with verbal and physical sycophants.
  13. Even though he's playing wing I'd expect ROR to take the faceoffs. Why not give Lieuwen a game in a back-to-back? It's not like they're in the playoff race. Throw the kid a bone.
  14. I wasn't sure how far along Maggie is. There was a zombie baby delivered in the Dawn of the Dead movie. Norman Reedis was quoted as saying next week will be rough: "THR: Does the season finale pick up immediately where this episode leaves off? All the episodes do, until we end [this season]. It's super shocking and it's pretty hardcore. Andy said he was late for work because he read it all night; Josh said he threw the script; Lauren threw up. It's gnarly. I was instantly curious. I had ideas what would happen and it made you feel sick and it was painful."
  15. Regarding Maggie, is she going to have a zombie baby? Or did Enid put something in the pickle juice to make her miscarry or have the baby early? Could Enid be a spy for Negan? Will she kidnap the baby? If Maggie needs a C-section, will Carl have to do it like Maggie did for his mom? Norman Reedis is on Talking Dead next week. Could it be his farewell? Or will there be a cliffhanger and we won't know who dies until next season?
  16. So far 42,000 have signed the petition to allow people to carry guns at the Republican convention in Cleveland. I say let them. When the Trump supporters riot over being denied the nomination, it will be must see TV.
  17. My first memory of the Aud was my dad taking me to see wrestling. All I can remember were the midget tag-teams that were hysterical, and the cloud of cigarette smoke that hung above all of us. Other memories are seeing a double-header of the Harlem Globetrotters play before the Braves played Bill Walton's Trailblazers, and when a friend and I took a train from Syracuse to see the Sabres play the Atlanta Flames. We sat in the oranges, and it was scary walking those steep steps.
  18. Jesus rose from the dead, so it's relevant. Plus the survivors are always going through tests of faith, such as Carol last week.
  19. I don't know, Trump, Cruz, and some evangelicals are prosperous but they want to impose conservative religious restrictions in the U.S..
  20. Climate change is causing the ice to melt, which raises the oceans, which threatens all coastal areas and islands around the world, which will mean mass resettlement and expensive projects to prevent flooding. The change in ocean temperatures causes changes in weather patterns, which creates more extreme weather (droughts, flooding, hurricanes), which will lead to more conflicts, migrations, and death over limited natural resources. What else impacts the whole world as much as that?
  21. That's Tim Schaller's number. They'll give him the opposite of what he wants; 42. Numbers that have never been worn by a Sabre in regular season: 62, 66-70, 73, 75, 79, 85-87, 91, 92, 94-99.
  22. The largest number by far of people killed by ISIS are Muslims. Ted Cruz is now calling for new powers "for law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized." No fascism going on here.
  23. Nope, no fascism here. Wanting to treat a whole ethnic group differently, beat up protesters, and wanting to sue the free press. Not here. And it was ISIS who claimed to be the perpetrators, not "Muslims".
  24. My understanding is because of his age they could sign him to a 3 year ELC, as opposed to most college players who can only be offered 2 year ELCs. So this season is a bonus. And then he will be a RFA when the contract expires.
  25. I just hope Dan doesn't stick him on the 4th line. Let him play with ROR or Jack and let's see how he does with a good center.
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