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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. She might be worried she's not going to get a piece of the payout if the evidence is weak. I expect this case to be the basis of a future episode of Law & Order: SVU.
  2. That's an interesting take, I hadn't thought of that.
  3. Boehner announced he's resigning as Speaker next month. That's sure to set off fireworks between the factions in the Republican Party who will fight to replace him with one of their own. The Democrats could become the kingmakers by siding with one faction to give them the majority of votes.
  4. This is starting to sound like some clumsy attempt to get money from Kane. Who's the Jeff Gillooly in this case?
  5. Speaking of Fiorina, how many of the 30,000 jobs could have been saved at HP with the $24 million golden parachute she got when they fired her. I guess owning two yachts requires a lot of gas money.
  6. They all blow. Give me Rock and Roll part 2. And stay off my lawn!
  7. Despite who did what, now that the evidence has been tampered with, I assume that it is inadmissible. So unless they can show that Kane was involved with the tampering, it's down to circumstantial evidence at best.
  8. She followed the rules that were in place at the time. She didn't receive or sent any info labelled classified at the time. There was no breaking the law as some public opponents claim. Given that she's been the most scrutinized public official over the past 25 years, and that her opponents are constantly fishing for anything that they can twist to make her look bad, it's understandable why she would want control over her emails. And given the numerous hacks to both gov't and business networks in recent years, she was probably smart to do so. Any proof that any info from her server was hacked? People that don't want her to win have a hard time attacking her policy positions because a majority of Americans agree with them. So it's emails and Bengazi. Is that the best they can do? In other news, it appears that conservatives aren't happy that the Pope is emphasizing the need to deal with climate change. Some are calling him a Marxist. By their definition Jesus was a Marxist.
  9. Except that Hillary did, and came out with a prescription proposal Tuesday. "On Monday, Clinton sent out a tweet referencing a New York Times article about a drug to treat a life-threatening parasitic infection that increased in price overnight from $13.50 to $750 per tablet. She referenced the story again in her speech." http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2015/09/22/hillary-clinton-prescription-drug-plan/72598898/
  10. That's a simplistic BS response. I've always said it starts with bad parenting. But short of taking kids away from bad parents, there isn't a solution that just money can solve. You can be poor and still be a good parent and set a good example. You just need to look at some of the most recent immigrants from Asia and the Middle East. They come here with practically nothing, and they make sure their kids take school seriously so they can have a better life. There's more that the gov't should do, but there are too many who oppose additional spending. But it all starts with parenting and the disciple to want to do better.
  11. The kids that are that conscienous to work to help the family usually succeed. And kids in high school know how babies are made. I agree it's complex, but self discipline is needed for success.
  12. I'm all for giving people the tools to succeed, but the best way out of poverty is to stay in school, do the work, and don't get pregnant. Otherwise the cycle just repeats.
  13. What's killing the US is the percentage of overweight people which leads to more medical problems. Nothing bothers me more than when I see overweight kids. I just want to shake their parents and tell them to get their act together. They're subjecting their kids to a lifetime of medical issues. And I'm all for providing funding for athletics and gym in school, and nutrition assistance if needed.
  14. I'm most interested in seeing how the goaltending shakes out. Will Lehner be good enough to play the majority of games? If not, then what? I don't see a spot on the roster for Larrson if Reinhart stays and plays wing. Possible trade bait. The 4th line will be Nick D, Legwand, and McGinn.
  15. As this goes forward I'm convinced that the media is trying to drive the narrative on who does well or not to make the story more interesting to drive up ratings. First they built up Trump success, now they're trying to tear him down, and are questioning Cardin's viability. Fiorina appears to be their flavor of the month now. They say she did great, but I thought she came off as an angry condescending school teacher I once had. They do the same with the Democrats; they know Clinton winning isn't a story, so they tear her down, build up Sanders, and push for Biden to run. Where's the next Walter Cronkite?
  16. Bush's name is kryptonite, it reminds voters of bad times. Which is why he's just 'Jeb!'.
  17. After hearing some of the radical statements tonight, Trump actually comes out as more reasonable that most of them. But in the end Kasich is the closest to a reasonable candidate.
  18. Are you Trump? I am factually correct, look it up. Perhaps the Republicans don't want to take action on climate change because they own property inland that will become expensive coastal land when the oceans rise. Like Lex Luthor's idea in the first Superman movie.
  19. In October 2008 George W. Bush was president when the withdrawl agreement was drafted, and ratified by Iraqi lawmakers a month later in November 2008. The pertinent part of the agreement that President Obama honored was that, “All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.” Obama took office in January 2009.
  20. You realize the timetable was established and agreed to when Bush was president.
  21. That's a good bumper sticker, but the realities are more complex. You want to leave our troops in a country where we're telling them what to do? So much for winning hearts and minds.
  22. Again, nobody seems to know the details of the Statement of Forces agreement. Obama wanted to keep US troops in bases in Iraq. But Iraq had to agree that US soldiers wouldn't be arrested in Iraq if civilians accidentally got killed, which is a common agreement with other nations where we have bases. Iraq wouldn't agree to that, as is their right as a democratic nation ( isn't that what the .Republicans wanted?), so we took our troops out.
  23. Including one of the questioners, Hewitt. I thought they were supposed to be objective.
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