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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Hey, hey, hey ... this is what you wanted ... this is what you're gonna get ... That's 2:00 PM real time. Practically a nooner ... ? I expect and anticiapte a good effort from the Sabres and a big win. Samson with 2 goals and 2 assists. How's about them apples. Very nice GDT. GO SABRES!!
  2. Welcome Jamiezzz and your awesome throw back avatar. When I saw the notification that you joined our little club and saw your user name I immediately thought of ... Jimmy Jazz ... ?
  3. As his career progresses it is becoming more and more apparent, at least to me, is that he will be very similar to Hawerchuck, which I think is awesome.
  4. Good game? Back and forth? The end result was very fitting, even though I hate OT. The only thing that I hate more (NHL related, that is) is the SO. Heard the OT winner as I was getting ready for bed. The local All News station here in Halifax carries the Canadiens games. Awesome.
  5. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers ... 5 'official' times per day and then some extra.
  6. Of course, but the internet was not invented then. Besides, I used a secret code and no one will ever be able to figure out those hieroglyphics on my cave wall.
  7. When will people learn that the need to shut the hell up. Anything put out there is out there forever and it will come back to bight you in the ass. Teenagers, old farts, no matter they all do it. He should know, at 14, the differnece between right and wrong.
  8. Upcoming merge in ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... GO!! +++++ Also, STRESS!! Just a general sort of observation. Don't worry, I am not going to ... you know.
  9. Office? I thought you were perpetually lost in a supermarket.
  10. No. You must have missed my update. Nova Scotia is Latin for New Scotland, which is what the King (James, maybe) of England at the time ... 1600's ... named the territory that is Nova Scotia for England. I got sick of the space between my N and my S. Anyway, as always just call me 'NS'.
  11. I wonder why the Thursday and Friday threads can't be programmed to unlock at midnight, 6 AM, or ... pick a time. They are programmed to lock at midnight.
  12. We are gald that you sat down and decided to join out big dysfunctional family.
  13. What is their record in the 3 games ...
  14. Hey Inky, The guys in my video are also 17. High School, man.
  15. All wars are faught for the same reason, no matter what anyone says ... land (money) and resources (money). WWI was an 18th century war faught with 19th century weapons.
  16. Here is the poem that made the poppy the most recognizable symbol in the world ...
  17. I just relised that November 11th is just another day for you Yanks. Well, it is a big day in Canada, England ... especially here in Halifax, as we are a military town. So, maybe just indulge me and my fellow hosers, eh? Here you go ...
  18. These days there is no assumption of privacy, ever. Sad, really. Even sadder is the fact that many are actually after their own 15 minutes of fame, for good, or bad.
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