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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. BOOMER!! Enjoy your few days with the dark one.
  2. Hey Josie, If it makes it easier for you feel free to use my all-encompasing ... The Great Satan ... when talking about Toronto.
  3. He made a Norris Trophy winner look like JAG on that goal.
  4. Welcome!! We are not that bad a bunch around here.
  5. TB lost too, so we are very much in the clear this morning. Huge game coming up. Dare I say ... playoff atmosphere.
  6. When I was a kid my father used to say ... 'Smooth move Exlax', whenever someone else on the road did something idiotic. I had no idea at the time who, or what, Exlax was. I eventually learned that when I was older. Ah, words to live by.
  7. Absolutely. It's not originally mine. A radio talk show host here in Halifax started calling it that years ago. I may be the only person that keeps it going. And, for me, it has everything to do with everything about Toronto and not just the sports teams (I actually do root for the Raptors and TFC, sort of the Blue Jays). I was born in Toronto and left 20 years ago for NS. I have never been back. To me it's just the most horrible place in every way.
  8. I have not read all the thread, but here and there I have noticed that Skinner is getting big points for the nifty moves he made on the GWG, which they were. What lead directly to him being able to make those fancy moves was the fact that he out hustled, none other than, Evander Kane to a loose puck in the slot.
  9. My calling Toronto The Great Satan has always passed the filter, so I will keep it. I think I have been pretty good, but I will be better and encourage others to do the same.
  10. That's very funny, but too bad I had to look at the ugly place. YHZ is even cheaper. We are that much closer.
  11. Another photo of me and my friend at the same cafe in Sarajevo. Unfortunately, he passed away rather suddenly and unexpectedly a few years ago. He was a coppersmith and learned the trade from his father, who had from his father ... back down the line to the time of the Ottoman Turks. Don't know why my photos are so small.
  12. Never mind that stuff. Corolla Hatchback? What in the hell?
  13. I just saw a pair of Cardinals outside my office door. Splendid looking specimens. Hopefully, they will stick around and breed in the spring. They usually do not winter here and we only started seeing them regularly very recently.
  14. ^^^^^ 8 hours? I'd be on day 8 and I'd be still trying to stop my finger bleeding on step #1. True story.
  15. There is no way I want to see the kid with the silly name on that first line. Not yet anyway, maybe next year, or the year after that.
  16. Woody, Fantastic!! Oh, I can translate the little sign by the statue in your middle photo for you ... 'No Taking Photo With Statue, You Dumb Ass American, You'.
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