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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Okay. What does that have to do with Lefty shooting off his mouth about a certain *Kingdom*. I know he was only partaking in this spectacle for the $. Then he just shut up and take his money. Not that I disagree with his take, but he should just shut up about it.
  2. So, I understand there is some debate about golf being a sport and all, but I will put this in here for safe keeping ... My views on a certain *Kingdom* are pretty well known around here, but come on Lefty ... dude!!
  3. +++++ Hey @The Ghost of Yuri, I demand that you add AST to the title. Just so there is no confusion that is 8:30 PM. And while you are at it you need to add NL time too ... 9:00 PM. Thanks. Everybody else can be on their own and do their own math.
  4. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!! The Habs are showing some spunk lately and have been playing hard. Still the Sabres should beat these guys, but have to come to play. They can't expect an easy win, but I think they know that.
  5. Maybe you are right, but I bet this is a test to see how far someone can take things. I bet all the Western leaders, including Biden, are taking notes and watching closely. There is a lot more to it than this issue, but it is the cherry on top. Trudeau has had more scandals than any PM in my memory. I agree that the Conservatives likely will be no better and may actually be worse. That said, at least they don't have Trudeau leading them.
  6. The protesters where gone before the vote. The police did their jobs (in Ottawa they used what I will call excessive force in many cases) around the country without the Emergency Act. Borders are open. They closed off a small block in Ottawa at Parliament Hill. There was no emergency and there still isn't. Yet the Federal Govenment of Canada now has far reaching powers for another 20 days or so. The precedent has been set. At anytime the Feds can grab more power along the lines of any dictatorship. This has nothing to do with the protestors in Ottawa or anywhere else. The PM forced the issue by making this a confidence vote and told his MPs that they better tow the line or else. Two Liberal MPs did what they did not want to do and voted in favour of this bill. The gutless NDP backed this government as they have done for years in the hopes of them getting little didbits of their platform snuck in here and there. They have no hope of forming a govenment, so this is the next best thing for them. I am planning to do something that I have never done in my whole life ... vote Conservative in the next Federal election. I stand by my statement that the vote last evening ended the darkest day in Canadian history. Just terrible what has become of my country. The laughing stock of the Western world.
  7. Who ?? I just can't keep up with all the kids hanging around these days.
  8. I like it Wook, but it will never work ... I see only 3 $750K guys on your team.
  9. To be clear ... My post in Sauve's thread about the Queen having COVID was to show my great displeasure with Trudeau and his govenment enacting the Emergency Act and how the vote in parliament went yesterday evening. Indeed, a dark day for Canada.
  10. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60472469 Your fun thread will likely be deleted soon. And ...
  11. Is this were I should mention that there has been no mention of last evening ending the darkest day in Canadian history?
  12. From Montréal ... yes. From The Great Satan ... absolutely not. In addition to all my other issues with that place they know nothing of poutine. For the record ... I can't stand poutine. Just gross. Yuck!!
  13. Man, they are playing a lot these days. I just can't keep up. Thanks, Woodsie for taking charge here. Anyway ... MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  14. Ghost reporting for duty!! I predict a hattie for TT. When's puck drop?
  15. Bankrobber dub version ... Thanks, Mikey!!
  16. I am convinced he is playing hurt, or at least was up until now. It's a tough year to judge. If he finishes this season well I would offer him a 2 year deal at $4.5, maybe 3 at $4.
  17. No. I don't think he is planning to setup a fascist or left wing totalitarian state officially. I do find his power grabs to be scary for now and the future. Little by little we are losing our individual rights. The PM has said that even under this Emergency Act we are allowed to peacfully protest in legal protests. The problem is that he gets to decide what are legal protests and what are not. He has dictated (that's the right word, IMO) that these protests in Ottawa are illegal. The two main organizers (not that crazy guy Pat King) were arrested yesterday on mischief charges. What a joke that is and trumped up charges. I admit that I am frustrated and emotional about this, but also believe that I am thinking about it rationally. It is just way over the top for the current situation in Ottawa. The PM has said the measures enacted will be measured and directed at problem areas of the country. Also limited in duration. Of that, I am not convinced. I am sure that the Emergency Act will be lifted, maybe even before it is voted on in the House of Commons, but the powers will remain.
  18. Bump ... Yet another major storm ... rain ... wind ... floods ... flash freeze ... bitter cold ... snow ... sleet ... ice ... All within a 15 hour period today. I give up At least it's Friday.
  19. If the NHL wanted to have a true Heritage Classic they should have teams play against each other from the same eras. Sabres would play Vancouver, or maybe the Islanders and Washington could be in that group. All around 50 years old. Original six teams should play against other original six teams. All around 100 years old. '67 expansion teams should play against other '67 expansion teams or maybe lump them in with the 50 year history crowd. Everyone else plays against each other or better yet are not included.
  20. I agree with you on one thing that the world has gone mad. How dare you say these things to me. Where is the rational conversation. There are many who agree with my take and many don't. No one has attacked me like this. I understand that this club is for unmoderated discussion, but there are still rules on engagement. Have you listened to the Prime Minister in Parliament? Have you read about all the scandels that are mostly about his arrogance and far reaching quest for more power. These protesters in Ottawa are not having much impact on the economy, except their own since they are not working. This is not impacting the supply chain in Canada, which was a disaster even before COVID. The borders are open. The vast majority of truckers are working. Trade is happening. The Prime Minister is far outreaching the situation. He is ordering the banks in Canada, which are independent businesses, but federally regulated, to close accounts and sieze assets of ordinary citizens who have made donations to the truckers through various means. When the Prime Minister of Canada gives himself far reaching powers by enacting a never before used act it is very scary. What would he do in a real emergency? Something like the situation on the morning of 9/11. The only other time the original version of this act (The War Measures Act ... they changed the name to make it sound less sinister) was used was by Trudeau's father in 1970 when there were terrorists bent on a civil war of Québec independence were kidnapping and murdering people. I would call that a national emergency and the Act being invoked was justified. Pierre Trudeau and others tried to negotiate with the terrorists and it did not work. His son did not do anything before this last resort step. Anyway, I like you a lot Weave and respect your opinion, so I will not continue this discussion in order to not say something that I will regret.
  21. In the early days when Hitler first came to power years before the war and his murderous rampage across Europe and North Africa ... this was one of the things he did to consolidate his power in a democratic Germany where he was elected.
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