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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Bill Hoppe posted a picture..... Miller 2nd period. Check out the eyes, fully dilated. http://twitpic.com/7e0zz0
  2. "The minor penalty called on the ice was the correct call," Shanahan said. "And, while it's unfortunate that Miller was hurt I saw nothing egregious about this hit that would elevate it to supplemental discipline." I guess that means it is up to the players to police Lucic's lack of intent.
  3. It wonder how the Amerks would look for 3 weeks in the NHL.
  4. That person is absolutely correct in an if my aunt had nuts I'd call him uncle way.
  5. I think this one gets 5 or 6. No attempt to avoid. Lucic's stick comes off the ice so he can't argue he was playing the puck or that it was incidental. Lucic follows through on the body check. All lucic can really claim is that he didn't have time to pull up. I don't think Shanny buys that, everyone in the league knows he could have. Thwre is no way Shanny can rule that incidental, not with a straight face. I think this one has all the marks of being a message statement.
  6. I actually think he has to act here. Even taking off my Sabre glasses. Let's put it this way. The fastest human...Ussain Bolt can run about 23 mph. The fastest NFL linebacker maybe 21 mph. Miller got hit head on by a 230 lb man going about 28 MPH. Don't be surprised if Miller is out a very long time. It didn't have to happen. I'm not sure how Shanny sees it - but he's been following the rulebook pretty tightly. I think he has to suspend.
  7. Actually the minor for charging pretty much clears the way for a suspension. It doesn't need to be a head shot.
  8. The hit wasn't fine or legal. Contact with the goaltender even outside the crease is a penalty subject to supplemental discipline. The rules are pretty clear.
  9. Epilogue: Miller concussed on a play that didn't need to happen. Out indefinitely.
  10. Let's see on the ice at the time Vanek, Pominville, Sekera, Myers, Gaustad. vs. Chara, Lucic, Boychuk, Horton, and Kreji. If I was on the ice as a Sabre I would have gone for Kreji. :beer:
  11. Even if your goalie just spent the night doing unspeakable things with your own mother, you have to defend him.
  12. That also the advantage of last line change at home. The physical stuff happens at the home teams discetion. Buffalo has three hOme games in this series. We'll see.
  13. First be a friend and name any player who has even gotten a minor for waiving a stick. We'll wait on that one.
  14. Bucky certainly wasn't carrying a pitchfork and torch. It was a pretty muted opinion piece really. It made no real demands. Did Pegula miss an opportunity to do good? I disagree that he did. Universities don't operate on the 24 hour news cycle even though sports do. Universities are more like giant oceanliners that need a tug boat nudging them in the right direction. Just because he missed a sound bite, doesn't mean Pegula has missed his chance to do good here. Ultimately this is much more than a sports story, this is a crime story. In criminal investigations let people do their work. Then fix it.
  15. Okay I read Bucky's piece today. Should Pegula say more? I don't know. When St. Bonaventure Universty had its scandal (a kid with a welding credits and not an associate's degree was allowed to transfer to play basketball) the collateral damage was enormous. Vanbreda Koff the basketball coach(can't recall his name entirely) was fired and then sued the university. The President of the University was fired. The rest of the basketball season was forfeit. One of the board of trustees commit suicide over the incident. The NCAA hit Bonaventure with heavy sanctions - "Lack of institutional control" loss of scholarships. The AD was fired. Support people who had nothing to do with it lost jobs and income. The fog of war in that matter was enormous (It sounds ridiculous now in comparison). I don't think Pegula at this moment could possibly say anything helpful. Even though Pegula towers locally as Penn State's most famous alum...leadership needs to come from Buffalo? C'mon. Any assumptions that anybody outside of the grand jury and those named in the report and their connections or involvement is sandy footing. This is a criminal matter. Criminal matters often take years to unfold. The public face of the university needs to be the Trustees. Nobody else. That is why universities have Trustees. Trustees don't live on campus and it will take weeks for them to become fully informed. They have hard work ahead. The best thing Alums can do (even the rich ones) is demand that the Trustees work with intergrity and transparency to see that the conditions that caused this are removed.
  16. No he didn't. Read page 7 of the grand jury report. If you love Penn State forget about football for the time you took to type that and read the grand jury report.
  17. You would think that the NHL would be doing that like crazy with NBA void.
  18. You used to see him with Wolford I think. I remember once Hull asked to sit in on Ed Kilgore's Sabres Round Table...he looked so happy talking hockey. I loved him for that moment.
  19. One of my all-time favorites. That's sad, sad news.
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