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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. That looked like boarding to me. There was no clear stride for a charging call IMO. Not that it makes a great deal of difference, but that's how I see it.
  2. This is going to be highly entertaining to be let in on the decision process.
  3. It's Mike Doughty ....he used to have a band called Soul Coughing.
  4. http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/jagr-scores-flyers-defeat-rangers-14612588 With all the crap that gets said on the ice, the league hardly wants to get into it, as offensive language is commonplace. The league and players and coaches will plead ignorance on the matter.... Generally it is considered bad form for any player to mention anything said on the ice when off of the ice....although Briere did bring up Kaleta's comments about his ex-wife in a press gaggle in the playoffs - (it's probably Kaleta's mouth that makes him one of the most hated players more that his hits). And players have in the past brought up things that simply go too far...Avery heckling players with family members with cancer, for example - (Jason Blake and Marty Broduer?) Or as Mike Foligno used to say when asked, "That player said something about my mother's combat boots. And then we decided to fight. My mom wears very nice combat boots." :beer:
  5. Egregious. Flagrant. And he'll be the next guy on Shannytube.
  6. I think it is a very positive step.
  7. Half a million for an exhibition game. He gets a doink :doh: Best comment I heard about Boyes: "This is going on your permanent record, young man!"
  8. A nice forearm shiver to Cal Clutterbuck after the horn.
  9. You don't have a games suspended category? That should be right next to PIM .....you'd start the year with a huge lead. :beer:
  10. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=590022 Wow.....Shanny Gives Wisnewski 8 regular season games. That's pretty substantial.
  11. This is getting interesting .....I wonder what Wisnewski will get.
  12. You know, I always thought Ann Murray sang this.
  13. does that have Kenny Loggins or Eddie Money or both?
  14. Brad McCrimmon was a terrific shut-down Mike Ramsay type D man. And he could chip in some goals. The whole thing is terribly sad.
  15. Epicenter in VA? Friends feeling it throughout NY state.
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