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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. "gotta have my bowl gotta have cereal" I stopped there.
  2. When I'm on the road I've often called Buffalo Wild Wings to see if they can get the game. Not the best option, but once there I usually meet someone that tells me of other places.
  3. At least they didn't superglue metal plates on their backs for the magnetized crane game.
  4. That is something to think about for sure.
  5. <inhales deeply> Reminds me of Victory.
  6. 90 points isn't a guarantee. about a 50% chance at this point. That could go up or down.
  7. Okay. I guess if they go 17-4 they can get to 90 pts.
  8. I walk in with $5, walk out with an armful of lemony-fresh merchandise.
  9. Oh and in an all-time silly Headline from the Snooze. LEAFS FIND THEMSELVES BACK IN PLAYOFF RACE yes...their chances are up to 1.9% http://www.sportsclubstats.com/NHL/Eastern/Northeast/MapleLeafs.html
  10. I went to Shwable's before the game last night because I had the day off. Complaint: I can't eat as much as I used to.
  11. :lol: You used to hear that quite a bit in Buffalo during the glory days of AM radio.
  12. Bob Dylan wrote that song. :blink: What a bizarre version. :lol:
  13. Red Right Hand - Nick Cave Not sure why I got that going...... '
  14. They should pipe that stuff in at Guantanamo.
  15. Good luck with this. Been there myself. Right up there with kidney stones.
  16. Relax. Only Buffalo will see you there.
  17. Do you prefer Lydman or Spacek? Both are on top pairs at the moment. Montador has been playing on a second pair pretty well.
  18. Just thought it would be a nice time to point out that Sekera is having a really nice week. He's been fast, physical, and seems to be maturing into the role. And boy can he cover a lot of ice. I hope this doesn't jinx Saturday, but Reggie or Butler controversy seems to be pretty much buried.
  19. If Roby could facewash Kevy every now and then, I would enjoy the program more. Is that an alright thing to do to a deaf dumb and blind kid during a post-game?
  20. They had a brilliant shift with just over two minutes left; it was beautiful to see.
  21. They only show the slow Zombies in Walking Dead. In England the Zombies are much faster. Atlanta has slower Zombies. They talk slower there too. It's more polite. We can't assume all Zombies are like Atlanta Zombies.
  22. I don't think shortening the bench in the third is a punishment in this case. They managed quite a few shots in limited time.
  23. I think it has more to do with Mancari and Adam playing pretty well together.
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