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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. The &^(&)%^^*(%^&^%%$!!! Dow. (I made the mistake at looking at my portfolio this afternoon).
  2. I hate that middle of the night dilemma with cracked ribs...the "can I fall back asleep without peeing?" question.
  3. I can't tell the flavor of individual Skittles apart.
  4. In this scenario it is most likely you took the syrup caddy in with you...butter pecan, maple, and a couple blintzes.
  5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. :)
  6. Good prostate = steady, bone-crushing stream.
  7. What's your mix? A Lime Rickey is just gin, lime juice, and club.
  8. There is not much news. That's my complaint. Israeli hockey leads the news.
  9. So if he accepts for a little while???
  10. Not really a complaint...but close to it... With a great goaltender and a great defender and an average but deep team...you can grind down the most talented team in the 101st-108th games of the season.
  11. that must be harrowing for a Dad. Wishes for continued good health.
  12. What ever happened to talking to the Dean first?
  13. Saturday? Frickin Bettman. The Stanley Cup finals should have started at more that a week ago. This is how the NHL screws the pooch. We are still in Conference finals...
  14. I hate not being able to like when and where i like. I just hate it.
  15. Caniac is loath-able...that means it's good. Dolfans = Miami deserves something that dumb. :lol:
  16. I hate the term Nation. as in Red Sox Nation, Bills Nation, Redskin Nation. I hate the term Sabre Nation.....hate the phrase......let's be something else. Suggestion.....Call the fans the Hilt. The base of the Sabre. Our Hilt. The Sabres Hilt. I like it. I'm sending it in.
  17. I don't even remember how I got rid of it....that way was as good as any. What a crap car. :lol:
  18. I saw that and wanted to race it against my 86' Buick Skylark.
  19. Ouch. you had to put it that way. :lol: I didn't enjoy it at all. I think Systolic blood pressure over 200 inhibits taste. :)
  20. Actually she did have that hollow faced meth-amph look. I'm pretty sure she pocketed it.
  21. I'm in a hurry today. So I go to the ATM and get cash and then order a burger at a fast food joint (which I almost never do). I paid with a $20 bill from the ATM, but I got change for a $10. Me: I gave you $20 this is only $4 change. Cashier: No, You gave me a $10. Me. No I didn't. I gave you a twenty dollar bill. Cashier: It says $10 on your receipt. Me: It says $10 on my receipt, because that's what you typed in. Cashier: You gave me $10 :wallbash: I guess ATM's are giving $10 these days. I think I just got robbed.
  22. These things always sound funnier coming from a Porn Jerry Korab avatar.
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