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Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. Ugh...I want to see Montreal go deep into the playoffs, but the Senators have their number right now. I know it was a long time ago, but I still don't like Ottawa.
  2. Well, they flew right back. I left the house when they were up 1-0...came back when it was 4-2. I love the atmosphere in the Coliseum right now. Did I just say that??
  3. Well, I was going to complain about the job, but after weave's post, I feel fortunate to be still employed. I hope everything works out for you, weave...good luck with the search. I'll reiterate that I like my job and have no plans to leave, but aren't we still allowed to vent about things within the job that we don't like?
  4. Haven't read through the rest of this thread yet, but I hate this...I'm a fan and I'll watch the playoffs. Of course, it hurts not seeing the Sabres there, but I enjoy the intensity...especially the stress-free viewing because my team isn't involved. The Stanley Cup playoffs are the best playoffs in sports, IMO. All playoffs are intense, but hockey tops them all in intensity and excitement. This is why I'll watch until June/July/whenever. I love Doc, but if there was one criticism of him, that's it. He loves to tell stories. However, it seems that on any national broadcast, they have to tell stories to keep the neutral fans interested.
  5. That Hecht-Briere-Dumont line will always be a great memory from the 2005-06 season. I admit I was done with him a few weeks ago and wondered why he was still on the team...now I know. Thanks, Jochen.
  6. Fair enough...but I classify him that way because it's his first go at it with Buffalo. Either way, I think you get my point. New, fresh blood....
  7. All of this. I hate (HATE, I said) hearing about losing games to better your draft position. Show me a team that fights and scratches and claws to the end, even though they're out of the playoff hunt. It shows heart and guts. At minimum, if you want to play for a roster spot in 5 months, Rolston or other potential head coaches on the horizon will see your effort or lack thereof. I want to see Miller play up to his hype and I don't want to see him go, but I am prepping myself in the event he does leave. I want Vanek or Ott to wear the C in October. I want the dead weight gone and wouldn't mind seeing the kids (Porter, Foligno, Ruhwedel, etc.) get more playing time. Hecht may be good for a veteran presence, but I think it's time to move on from him.
  8. It's not tendonitis, but my left wrist is feeling weak when I have to use it. No pain...just need to use more effort when I move it around. This is most evident in my golf swing, where it seems to have started to cause bad habits when swinging the club. The physical therapist put kinesio tape on it - it's thick enough where it feels like I'm wearing a brace and don't have much range of motion, but I suppose that's the point.
  9. They better not...I'm paying $60 + however many beers I have to see them in person. I don't like being disappointed.
  10. Malcolm has generally been inconsistent, though. He was injured and missed a few games in February, but when he came back, Yale finished solid in the regular season and dispatched SLU in the QFs. He looked terrible in Atlantic City, but then was good in the NCAAs. Go figure... The league has always been competitive - this year was the exception, but we never know the regular season champ until the final weekend. As for being "stacked", you could say that the top 4 (Quinnipiac, RPI, Yale, & Union) were always very difficult to play, but even Dartmouth, SLU, Brown & Cornell were never easy outs. Clarkson needs to do something to turn themselves around. I watched them throughout the 90s and they should always have been considered a tournament-worthy team. Was Roll let go too quickly?
  11. That was a great championship game...both teams came out flying and hitting and playing great hockey, including the goaltenders. Once Yale got that softie past Hartzell, it was over. Congrats to Yale - first ever national championship. They've been playing D-I since something like 1896, so I think they were due.
  12. You probably could have used last night's game as the fire sale video.
  13. I should probably check my privacy settings more often, but I hear these frequent complaints (on FB) about how the privacy settings were changed, so you better check them. Every time I do, they're the same as they were 6 months ago. Nevertheless, it's like your passwords...they really should be changed frequently (like every month), but nobody ever changes them that often.
  14. So we finally have approval to hire a new network guy and my boss is procrastinating on getting it done. Granted, we've been busy and both been slammed with work, but he keeps saying it's a priority of his to call candidates and get them in. When he does call them, the majority don't have the qualifications. At least he has two interviews lined up, but this is taking forever. In the meantime, the dork that we'll be getting rid of is still here, acting like an immature 6th grader, still making mistakes and doubling my workload, still sitting around and emailing/chatting with the females (most of whom think he's utterly creepy), and just plain old being annoying. :doh:
  15. Frozen Four today...the first semifinal at 4:30, the second at 8:00 (or some time after the first game ends). Who ya got? I really don't have a dog in this fight, but I wouldn't mind seeing an all-ECAC, all-Connecticut final of Yale & Quinnipiac. That said, I think we're gonna see Quinnipiac & Lowell in the final. St. Cloud has impressed me, but if Q is on their game like they were in Providence, I don't see the Huskies beating them. Lowell has just been solid and stout and have a goaltender that should have been in the Hobey top 10.
  16. That's why I'm not holding my breath.
  17. Still officially in the race, but I'm not holding my breath. Yes, I will still root for them to make the playoffs. But if they don't, it's further ammo to get Darcy the hell outta here.
  18. Milbury for obvious reasons...Melrose's act is so old, it's funny...Jones isn't as terrible when he's sitting next to Milbury. But I'm also tiring of Brian Engblom - he's done the Buffalo game almost every time they've been on that network and he constantly criticizes them. Not that they don't deserve it most of the time, but it gets irritating and difficult to listen to. He sounds like he's just bitter that he has to broadcast them or that he was beaten by Rob Ray during a game once and hasn't gotten over it.
  19. "Underrated" was probably the wrong word...they're a tough team. Winning the WCHA regular season is not an easy task, yet they still weren't that high in the PWR. This really was a wide open year. Quinnipiac rolled through the ECAC, but stumbled a bit at the end...barely made it out of the QFs and looked lifeless in the semis. BC wasn't what they have been, Minnesota was a bit inconsistent, and even Notre Dame wasn't that strong of a #1 seed. I thought the team who was hottest at the time of the tournament would win it and the two of the hottest teams got bounced (Union & Notre Dame). I never expected Yale to play like they did after how awful they looked in Atlantic City. I think it'll be a fun FF. My guess is we'll see a final of Lowell & Quinnipiac.
  20. Well, if you listen to Engblom & Barry Melrose, the Penguins lost because they were lost without Crosby. It's as if they were in complete disarray because Crosby wasn't on the ice. Had nothing to do with the Sabres or Vokoun being a sieve. I can't disagree about the Crosby line, but can one player make THAT much of an impact on a team that had a 15-game winning streak and is at the top of the standings?? They still have Malkin and now Iginla. I know Jarome hasn't had a lot of time with his new team, but I don't buy that the Pens were a different team without Crosby. My guess is that Pominville is gone sometime this morning.
  21. How often is it that the Sabres send the Penguins fans to the exits well before the end of regulation?
  22. This would tell me they wouldn't be looking anywhere near Stafford.
  23. If they were going to get decent-to-good return, then I wouldn't get rid of Vanek or Miller. Anything decent for Pominville would work for me. If they were going to get blow-me-away return, then I'd look at moving Vanek or Miller. I'd just rather see neither of them go, but with the apparent youth movement happening, I think Miller goes first. Leggio then comes up from Rochester.
  24. Looks like St. Cloud was underrated this year. They won the WCHA regular season (albeit a tie with Minnesota), which is quite an accomplishment. My Union Dutchmen couldn't keep up the roll they were on and ran into a buzzsaw with Quinnipiac. I like how all four teams left have never won a national championship. I was getting a little tired of the BCs and Minnesotas winning it every year.
  25. It's been one of those weeks...swamped at work, my workouts are tiring me out, and I'm hungry all the time. I've been on this diet for almost 3 months (successfully lost 18 pounds!) and trying to watch calories, so I'm starting to think that has a lot to do with it. I think I need more protein. We're hosting Easter dinner for the in-laws and my mother (rest of my family is out of town), so I'll be ready to pig out...and drink.
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