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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. He's 9th all time in hits! Ninth!!! He's probably going to end up 6th all time. You cannot possibly do that by being average. Hits produce runs, runs win games. And he's 11th in runs all time.
  2. I think that's in the ballpark.
  3. No it's because Atlantic City is a shithole and the casinos are all on life support with the exception of Borgata. Atlantic City will be completely dead in 15 years. There's no NYC money coming in anymore, it all goes to Connecticut and Pennsyltucky.
  4. Just waived at my neighbor as my dog was shitting on his lawn. Zero f#cks given.
  5. Detroit translation: "Oh, you don't like that we've made the playoffs every year for the last 2 decades? Ok, go ###### yourself!"
  6. ....I love Mozart! He was Austrian, you know. But for this kind of work, I find him a little bit light. So I tend to go with the heavier guys. Check out Brahms, he's good too.
  7. Is your wife from Northeastern Pennsyltucky, by chance? They love that ###### here. Edit: Ha!! My phone auto corrects anything that starts with 'Penn' to Pennsyltucky!
  8. Wasn't that the "Hand of God" game?
  9. Facebook! Skynet has become self aware.
  10. I'm in. But just so you know, ghost. This works out poorly for you in the end.
  11. Sure, but no one can talk about it til 2022. I should be dead by then.
  12. She looks like Flo from Progressive's evil sister.
  13. In 02-03 the Blackhawks won 30 games, in 03-04 they won 20, in 05-06 they won 26, and in 06-07 they won 31. In 07-08 the captaincy was vacant and Toews was named captain a year later with Duncan Keith as an alternate. That's what tanking got them. They hadn't made the playoffs in 5 years and they weren't even close in that time.
  14. The only way I'm ok with us not getting the number 1 or 2 pick next year is if we win the Stanley Cup.
  15. This about sums up my thoughts on the matter.
  16. I thought it was because he could tell her to "go ##### herself with a ##### ##### ##### in a #####!" in Russian, Swedish and Finnish. Chicks dig guys who speak multiple hockey languages.
  17. I got my new grill! Yay post 4th of July sales events!
  18. My grill just ###### the bed! Crack where the gas comes into the grill is shooting a 2 foot flame. Bummer! Edit: and I don't have time to set up my portable Weber before work. Another bummer.
  19. Well they're basically the same guy.....
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