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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Stretcher for a hamstring.....
  2. Better not be with us. We've sucked too damn much to give up those draft picks.
  3. Breaking out the Dinosaur Cook Book today. Got my baby back ribs going now, having a Blue(Labatt not Moon) and flipping between the race and the open. Yup. Life is good.
  4. I said it half way through the season that he would never play another NHL game and I'll stand by that. He's a shyte player.
  5. Skiing: Torn MCL in left knee while spinning opposite my natural direction. Fractured left foot x3 Fractured right foot x2 from air mailing My landing and coming down flat. Baseball: Broken thumb barehanding a comebacker. Football: Dislocated ring finger. Worst one by far! Dad reset it on the sidelines and taped it up.
  6. Or give em a stick to the jewels.
  7. Dude, Christopher Walken shot him in the face!
  8. And there it is. Ch. 2 reporting Pegula to bid on Bills.
  9. Passed out, or concussed from toppling over urinals?
  10. Just saw the rant. What a whining bitch! That's what makes the triple crown hard. It's always been that way and it should never change. That's what greatness is.
  11. Woke up at 3, had a fried bologna sandwich, some water and 3 chocolate chip cookies. I'm pretty awful at feeding myself when I only have to worry about me.
  12. I woke up at noon, had two home made brownies and a quarter bag of bbq chips. Living healthy today...
  13. Haha I did he same job at UB. That job sucked. I think I made it 3 weeks.
  14. Senior year of high school I took an elective called World Wars. We had a project that was interviewing men who had fought in WW II. It was the most amazing rewarding project I've ever been a part of. It was set up 60 minutes style. There wasn't one interview where it didn't get so intense that we didn't have to stop the camera.
  15. I hid the ring in my golf bag. I could hide bodies in my hockey bag and she'd never know. Funny how they never look at that kinda stuff.
  16. I really don't understand how to read Twitter....but I have a feeling that my selection of "White Trash" for $1000 ended up being a daily double.
  17. I'll take "White Trash" for $1000, Alex.
  18. Gun owner here. Way to be a$$holes, Texas.
  19. A few of my friends are serious weight lifters. All of them are younger than me, and all of them are always hurt somewhere. Back, shoulder, quad, groin, something. It's to the point where I just laugh at them now. "Great Dave, you can bench 435, awesome. How's your back again?" I used to be in the gym 6 days a week. I did that for years but I never wanted to be big. My shoulders will blow up fast so I only do light weight and calisthenics (need to look good in a suit, not a small t shirt). I hate running so ###### much! I flat out refuse to do it. My cardio pretty much only comes from hockey and softball. That, and teaching my son the finer points of route running, QB footwork and DB footwork. (That counts,right)
  20. That'd be pretty fly. Just make sure they don't draw a 31. I have no ink. My mother and I are the only ones in the family without tattoos. Both brothers and my dad have something on both shoulders and 2 out of 3 of them regret it. I remember wanting one so bad when I was 16 and by the time I was 18 I remember loving beer money more, so I never did it.
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