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mphs mike

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Everything posted by mphs mike

  1. start by looking at the size of the goalie equipment. if ken dryden had todays pads he might have a gaa below 0.25!
  2. If that was in 72-73, the back story may well be the Gerry Meehan goal with 4 seconds left in the 71-72 regular season that knocked the Flyers out of the playoffs. https://youtu.be/OKanXHoFE00
  3. Agreed - the only bad thing Schoeny ever did was record an album! I was lucky enough to be present when he destroyed Orr, Vadnais, Cashman and the Zamboni doors
  4. Agreed, PA. BUT - I haven't enjoyed watching a Sabre rookie as much as Eichel since Bert, Rico, and Schoeny. Good times are on the horizon - we'll be as much fun to watch and winning like the current Tampa team soon
  5. I'm surprised it took awhile before Bill Hajt was mentioned. Best defensive defensemen is either Ramsey or Hajt, hands down in my opinion.
  6. For those of us lucky enough to remember, even Bert was 20 his rookie season!
  7. WTF??? I see the Amerks have a game tonight. Why not have Pysyk play there if you aren't putting him in our lineup. Does this decision maske sense to anyone else?
  8. O, it was televised. Sabres were up early by the time I got back from church and turned it on!
  9. I remember doing the same with those calendars. A few years ago my mom found a couple of them, with the scores for all season in the attic - a great trip down memory lane!
  10. Agreed - I attended a couple with my mom, before I was old enough to take a date. Sabres on NYE memories are ALMOST as special as the open practice memories
  11. Aren't we also done with the TB Bolts for the year? I swear we played division opponents in a 16 team league less!
  12. Kishoph - LOVE the avatar, applies to me as well and would make my momma proud!
  13. Here's my take - I vividly recall watching the entire game in my living room. It was late when the puck went in - disappointed, I turned off the tv and went to bed. I NEVER thought about his foot until reading about it later. The rule was STUPID, although it was enforced throughout the year. His foot had ZERO impact on the play. We will win a cup, Eichel will carry it around the ice and only old farts like me will retain fond memories of Bert, the French Connection, Ramsey, Ramsay, et al Smell is entitled to his opinion
  14. We're apparently the same age - I was 9 when I first saw Bert as a rookie! I'm with you - I don't do fantasy sports so I have little/no need for advanced stats and pay little attention to them. As I have gotten older, I can frequently tell, based upon observation, that a team doesn't "have it" on a given night. At times I wish I was that little kid that ALWAYS believed my team was going to win/pull it out, regardless of time left, score, opponent, etc
  15. While this sounds all well and good - and I'd love to believe it. How did the paternal "grooming" work out for Todd Marinovich? That being said, I have a lot of hope for Lehner I posted before reading further - the same thought obviously!
  16. He'll be interesting to watch. I was at his NHL debut and didn't think he looked near ready that night. Very shaky at times.
  17. Other saviors from the first round include Morris Titanic and, from Scotty himself, Jiri Dudacek
  18. I don't care about my fast food cook or hockey player, but I do care if my pilot smokes weed!
  19. I, too, noticed him on the pp point regularly. Regardless of how much that was directly responsible for 3 goals, I like it as a coaching staff making a change that got a team moving offensively.
  20. I voted Eichel - the real birth of a Sabres legend! We had Bert set the rookie goal record in 70-71 and Rico set it the following year. Time for Jack to follow!
  21. I voted for decent NHL starter BUT, in my opinion, "decent nhl starter" and "ryan miller's career" are synonymous
  22. I voted for both options 2 and 4. I'm confident he is a leader and top 9 forward on this team at the start of the season. I'm hopeful he is surpassed by younger guys as the season wears on.
  23. I feel like there is a little Capt. Tuttle in all of us. As a matter of fact, you might say that together we make up Capt. Tuttle.
  24. This might actually cause me to get a FB account!
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