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Everything posted by LTS

  1. A few things here. 1. The first attempt to motivate or change a person may not be successful. 2. Not every person will respond to everyone. 3. Not everyone wants help. Bottom line for me is.. Dahlin is scary bad right now. Sitting him would not be the worst idea. One game, two games...might not take much more.
  2. Perhaps... we have to wait and see. One possible scenario, letting the team fail on their own without the structure so they can better understand structure when it’s applied. I’m not saying I believe it... I just allow for the possibility. It’s not about having it all figured out before you start, it’s about fixing what breaks when it happens and moving everything in the right direction.
  3. I was just in a killer coffee shop in Stockholm. Sara’s Art & Coffee. She had a gallery right next door. I thought that was smart. She’s pulling in a crowd that would be more attuned to buying the art selling excellent coffee and pastries. The coffee shop had maybe 15 seats in the whole place. Josie’s Java Joint.. coming soon.
  4. I’m done tomorrow morning... or at midnight for you east coasters. i don’t want to go... but I can’t afford to stay...it ain’t cheap here... perhaps if I lived in a place that paid for the adjusted economy? Oh well.
  5. He might. I’m sure it’s available, just the RK isn’t forcing the sessions on the team, or wasn’t. Who knows what’s happening now.
  6. When you are the last one left... now is the time to ask. Of course.. you should also be prepared to leave.
  7. Just remember...the same freedom you want Don to have in speaking his beliefs is the same freedom others get in speaking against him. In the end, it’s business, and the impact to HNIC is that if Cherry stays, viewers may go, or sponsors may go. everyone is entitled to their opinion... and the repercussions of sharing it.
  8. Clearly. I mean RK preached about supporting the creativity of players. He doesn’t want them thinking too much. They barely use video review. I’m going to have to say that your narrative is not going to hold up. Dahlin is lost... that’s not coaching. His confidence is crap and he’s trying to do too much. His turnovers are largely when he tries to hold the puck To retain possession. It’s admirable, but the probability of maintaining possession in those situations is too low and he’s not recognizing it. That’s not coaching... that’s all the player. He needs to relax and not try to be more than he can be.
  9. Because as anyone who was here could tell you. Hedman was the star attraction of this event. 75% Tampa Fans all cheering for Hedman. Friday night, during the introductions, he had the loudest cheer..by far. He was the one interviewed 3 times by Swedish tV. It started at 8pm. I think if you want to be a smart ass about timezones you should probably get it right.
  10. I believe the point you are making is that people, in general, might be losing the desire to display the-poppy. That’s a perfectly good take. Saying that immigrants are the ones who are being disrespectful is the problem. Because as you pointed out in your anecdotal experience... it wasn’t just immigrants. seeya grapes... you damn old fool.
  11. They messed up Dahlin? His decision making on the ice is poor and much worse than last year. How do “they” get the blame? I mean if you want to say he should sit a game that’s fine, but I don’t think “they” are the reason he’s playing so poorly. I’m not sure who “they” are specifically. I assume you meant the organization as a whole.
  12. Vegas had the benefit of an expansion draft where they could pick and choose from known players and/or make deals with teams who were desperate to keep players. This is not even remotely the same as a normal draft. Furthermore, it’s one time. They could have just as easily screwed up and been bad. What happens if Vegas doesn’t get Fleury from the Pens? not arguing the other points, but people (not just you) like to throw Vegas out there as an example... I don’t think it’s the same thing.
  13. I vote no. It’s has nothing to do with the compressed schedule or how the Sabres played. It has nothing to do with me making a trip to see the game. Hell, it has nothing to do with the Sabres. The NHL sucked at promoting this. Saturday night there was NOTHING going on around the arena, it was a ghost town. There was activity Friday night but nothing to do with the NHL. There should be more going on around the arena. An entire “experience”. The in-game production was terrible as well. You don’t play a goal song for the visiting team, period. Bottom line, unless the NHL can be better at promoting it, it’s not worth it, for any team.
  14. This is hardly the first time I’ve called out Eichel. Crosby was labeled a whiner when he started. He finally learned. He plays with an edge now and has gotten into a fight or two. This is where Jack needs to get to. If he gets up last night and pushes back I think it changes things. Right now he’s looking around for someone else to stand up for him or to complain to the refs. He’s gotta stop that and show a different side. His scoring is fine, but there is more to it. Dahlin should sit a game, it might help him at this point. I’ve no problem with Mitts... he’s got a ways to go still but he’ll get there. They’ve always been around. The problem right now, for me, is not that they are losing. It’s how they are losing. The roster has shown it can play better... it needs to do so. It’s not talent, it’s everything else.
  15. I think he can be the right guy... I think someone needs to call him out... I would hope certain Sabres alumni might... if he doesn’t listen to that.. then we are screwed.
  16. This thread has been entertaining. Too much to respond to from my iPad here in Sweden. I’ll say this.. Jack Eichel is your problem. The Swedish broadcast pointed out his “leadership” after game 1. I couldn’t hear nor understand a word they said, but all the highlights were of Eichel whining, shaking his head, etc. Last night he gets crushed by Cernak. Do you know should have responded to that? Jack Eichel.. not Sam Reinhart. Jack was able to get up right after being hit and instead of doing so he looked around, waiting for a penalty, and for someone else to do something. Wrong move. Jack needed to pop up and demonstrate to his team that he cares. Captains set the tone of their team and right now the tone is... look around and blame it on someone else. There are many issues on the team at the moment. Only a few have to do with “talent”. Most have to do with confidence and being on the same page. I don’t blame the coach... he can only play the players he has and these players are capable of winning. But a few have to go... starting with 55. For all the arguments about McCabe last night, he was actually tying up one of the Lightning players when that puck was banged in. That goal is on 55.. he was out of position to begin with and rather than beeline back to the net he takes the time to turn his body to put a shoulder into Maroon after he scores. Wrong move.. the turning takes his stick out of the play and that’s what could have gotten there first. Right now I think Ristolainen can be a decent 3-4 defender for a team who can move up into the top 2... he just isn’t going to do it in Buffalo. He wants out and it shows. the highlight of my night... ‘Sitting in the bar waiting for MODO. There was a middle aged lady sporting a fugly TBL Christmas sweater who kept pounding on the table and chanting Let’s go lightning, very loud. She was doing a great job of playing drunk ass American acting a fool. She had bar patrons rolling their eyes... she had a casual warning to tone it down and then security stepped in and in no uncertain terms told her to shut up... surprisingly she did. Onto the next game...
  17. Indeed... Anyone at the game.. We're meeting up after... Finding a place to watch tonight.
  18. Sent you a message, but game is at 7.. so Helenes not a good choice. Need to be earlier...unless it opens earlier today
  19. The biggest thing I see is that they no longer have confidence. They are letting other teams dictate play. There were numerous times last night where a puck could have been contested but they backed away. they are also thinking too much...their plays are slow to develop and teams are on them before they can make them. finally, they are out of position, a lot. There were numerous times last night where all 5 players were on one half off the ice and Tampa just threw the puck to the open wing and away they went. It results in the Sabres skating more than they should and throughout the game their legs are going to wear down quicker. Lots to fix and at the same time I don’t see any reason it won’t get fixed..thought it might take a trade to shake things up a bit. one last thing.. they need to stop deferring to Eichel on the ice. Other teams know they only have to defend him because he’s going to be the one getting the puck to bring up ice. Oh, and stop dumping it in if you aren’t going to have a player who can get to the puck... yeah..lots to fix.
  20. We’ll definitely be doing something. We’re likely meeting up before as well.
  21. What a day..night.. I’m on like 2 hours sleep I past 24... 4 hours in past 48... I feel great... which means.. I need to sleep. 2:35am...signing off. coming back to my luggage in my room was awesome..
  22. I'm near the restaurant. Woody how do we contact you?
  23. Sadly, no luggage. So no 50th anniversary Sabres sweater. Oh well. about to head out in the general direction of the restaurant. Helenes Krog and Bar? Sankt Eriksgatan 87, 113 32 Stockholm hope that’s right.
  24. Can you post the address again? That gives me plenty of time to get my luggage..and change. I’ll be in the neighborhood.. I think it’s a quick walk from my hotel.
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