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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. They have played great defenses, but they will in the playoffs too, assuming they make it (which they should) We haven't played a team with much of an Offense yet, so it's hard to grasp how good or not good we are yet. And we did lose to Pittsburgh still. I'm really looking forward to the Chiefs match up, that'll show us where we really are at as a complete team.
  2. That was a glorious throw. It doesn't nullify the terrible ones he floated all game. Look, I'm a die hard bills fan, and winning 35-0 should leave nothing to complain about. But we are capable of playing so much better, and we will need to, to compete with Baltimore and KC. Those teams appear to be on another level right now at least.
  3. What a beat down, they didn't even play all that well today. Tale of 2 weeks. SHUTOUT BABY!!
  4. This game went from holy crap to.... Holy crap
  5. We're letting Brissett tear us apart
  6. The true pinnacle will be when Terry and Kim sell the team.
  7. Went on a 15 mile ride 2 days ago, not only am I severely deconditioned, but it caused the calf swelling to rear it's ugly head something fierce. I saw a lower leg specialist today and she was suggesting gastrocnemius release surgery as that's kind of the only thing left after all the other tests haven't given a real answer. It had now creeped into the Bilateral lower legs. If the release works then I'll be so happy and shouldn't have too long of a recovery, but if she needs to release the Soleus muscle too, she said that I'll lose about 25% of my leg strength and probably won't ever do an Ironman.
  8. Yes, and showing him on the bench getting talked to and needing a pep talk was sad as he was clearly shaken.
  9. You sound like a child. Beasley plays for the bills, the vaccine does not play for the bills.
  10. Look, while you may not agree with the moda here, freeman specifically asked nicely to not put the vaccine stuff in this thread, at least respect that. As for Beasley, he's awesome.
  11. I mean, I like paying 8$ for a seat on GameDay..
  12. That's not how it works, chief. There is a whole thread dedicated to Covid, go frolic in there.
  13. Cmon guys, don't play dense. Every single topic that goes down this rabbit hole is a catastrophe. Talk about how JA sucked, the actual Bills players, schedule etc. A lot of people (myself included) come here to vent and take a break from the harsh reality of current life, don't take that away from us.
  14. My source say that winter is coming and buffalo will get snow.... Book it 🤗
  15. I know I'm traveling to Europe next week, to cross some of the borders I will need a digital EU proof of vaccination. Because I don't live in the EU I can't obtain one yet. So I am unsure if they will accept my paper card, they also allow exemptions for medical personnel, so I'll bring my ID and see it if helps, if not then I'll just turn around at the Bulgarian border and head to Serbia 😂😂. I went to office max and got my card photocopied and laminated to wallet size and its been accepted everywhere I've been since the shots.
  16. Sure they can prosecute fake cards, they're easy to trace in general. However in the setting of an event with thousands of people, it will be near impossible to enforce. My guess is that there are a number of people that don't want the shot but also want to go to events. I suppose they could do that empire pass QR code and streamline it, the EU is doing something similar.
  17. Jackson was playing well last year before his injury if I recall correctly. Wonder if he regressed.
  18. Is there any other option in place of Levi? I'm not so sure who else we have, but unless he pulls a 180 he's gonna be a liability!
  19. They sucked yesterday.... 0 percent of that was due to the home crowd.
  20. I'm with 11, our chance was when Pitt was doing nothing at all in the first half. We let them hang around and then they took over.
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