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Everything posted by Weave

  1. You were always optimistic beyond reasonable before. This is balance, and was inevitable.
  2. I see the because Montreal posts above, and that’s a valid motivation for the choice, but I think this is how the rest of the season is going to go. Run UPL until he falters, call up Levi to get him some more NHL looks, immediately send him down to get maximum workload in Rochester. Lather, rinse, repeat. Seems like a viable development plan now that the season is lost.
  3. Zemgus is not the problem. I’d go as far as to say he’s not part of the problem. His leadership and the game he plays is a need. If we move him (or KO) it will make the team worse in the short term. There is no Rochester player that can be brought up that will make the roster better. None. The problem is, KA set this up so Zemgus is THE leadership and defensive game focus along with KO. In that respect, Zemgus and KO are set up to fail. Just like the rest of the team structure, they didn’t get enough roster support from the GM. Those two are simply not enough to lead the charge, but that is exactly how KA set it up. You put those two on a good playoff team and the conversation will be about 2 more Ex Sabres that performed well in the playoffs.
  4. I’m ok with the story dying out. It happened. It stopped happening. Fans reacted. Lets move on.
  5. Lets not assume its KO until someone actually confirms it. I realize that there are only a few players on the team with the label “veteran”, but it’s still speculation that it was KO leading this.
  6. I think this is the first President’s day off in my entire career. should I spend it watching the sabres?
  7. Performers are performers. Entertainment is entertainment. The only difference is the outcome might not be known in advance.
  8. Not angry in the slightest. I suppose those censored bad words make it read otherwise.
  9. Oh, and if this team needs a common enemy to rally around, and they decide the fans are that enemy, they are *****. Straight up *****. The cancer has metastasized somewhere else in the body.
  10. I am going to take a different stance. That stick raise IS important. No coincidence that the practice started with the Rags in MSG. It is customary after a live performance that the cast recognize the audience’s applause and attendance with a bow and signs of appreciation of their own. And it happens every night, not just on special nights. It is a basic, “ you’re welcome” to those that made the effort to be there. These athletes are performers and absolutely should be expected to acknowledge signs of appreciation for the paying audience. Im not going to assume it was KO that led this charge. But I am deeply disappointed and displeased with whoever it was that championed this idea. They have forgotten the basic tenet that they are performers first and foremost, and that those in the audience are fundamentally why they are there. Im glad someone in the organization had the sense and leadership to turn the players around and acknowledge the support of those that were in attendance. At least that someone had their head pointed straight. ***** with your paying crowd is stupid, at best.
  11. You didn’t catch the apathy community in here? We’re practically a support group.
  12. Opening with a distraction. Built in excuse for a slow start. I like it!
  13. Well, this thread became unreadable. Then again, it’s a game day thread. With the team we have on the ice this season, it’s almost inevitable that game day threads devolve to unreadable. Carry on.
  14. I am sure my bias is because of where he is drafted, but plain vanilla competence just seems underwhelming given we had to win a lottery to get him.
  15. Show em your………………. Calves. Yeah, calves. That’s it.
  16. Hate hearing this. I’ve been through it 4 times in my career. I’m at a point where I worry about my marketability now. I need this gig to be my last one, I think. Good luck. I wish I was in a field where I could help if needed.
  17. Funny stuff. I don’t want to label him as weak, or lazy, or afraid, or whatever. I’m not interested in making those kind of judgements. But I can make a judgement on the plays he makes, or doesn’t make. And his avoidance of contact is just too damned obvious to ignore. He doesn’t need to be on a Jacob Trouba trajectory. He doesn’t even need to be on a Connor Clifton trajectory. But jeez, Louise, if you are going to have Phil Housley level of contact in your game, you had better be bringing something else in spades. Hopefully that something else starts showing up with some consistency.
  18. And “the owner is going to determine the extent of the rebuild.” Circa the beginning of the end.
  19. Ugh. More ***** cancer sentiments. This is going to be a roller coaster.
  20. The MT for this one is obvious. Hate is a strong word, but I’ll allow it this time.
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