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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I’m repeating myself. KA did not see Jack and Sam as fitting his timeline.
  2. Check Housley’s stat lines at the same age. He was a HOF caliber skater and an offensive force.
  3. It’s not a double standard if you’ve learned your lesson from it and aren’t repeating the same mistake.
  4. He had NO edge. He actively avoids contact. That’s a problem.
  5. Mule had a pretty similar run for awhile. I don’t know that this is any different.
  6. I have to assume that was part of the bargain, if we aren’t going to be in the show, we’ll send you somewhere that will. Sucks. I do NOT want this team to be sellers, playoffs or no.
  7. This is my biggest concern regarding Power. Zero aggression. No physical game whatsoever. Im not sure how you can play defense in this league with no physicality unless you are Paul Coffey.
  8. ***** auditions. Expect wins.
  9. Way back on page 1 (I think), I said I was fine with new assistants in lieu of a new HC as long as The HC and GM heads roll if it doesn’t immediately lead to playoffs. I should have qualified that with “fine” being a relative term, and that my strong preference is that both suffer the ultimate price for missing the goal this season. As you say later, it’s not a hill I’ll die on, but limiting the change to asst coaches is not my first choice.
  10. How about just a bunch of guys with alot of experience. Peca can continue to learn on the job elsewhere and come here ready to win in a few years when the next guy had worn out his welcome. I don’t see much on their resumes to support it.
  11. Glad they didn’t wait until the season was lost.
  12. We’ll call up someone from Roc who isn’t ready. The Sabres will be worse for it. The Amerks will be worse for it. All of western NY will barely know it happened.
  13. He’s yesterday’s Dylan Cozens. Shiny new toy syndrome.
  14. I am OK with this on one condition, KAs and DGs career depend on it working out. If it fails, bloodbath in the front office.
  15. Eagles eat carrion too. Seriously though, the resurgence of eagles is something that amazes me. As a kid, seeing an eagle was something that was brag about worthy. And now I probably see 10 plus every Summer around the places I fish
  16. More than 5 games is on the table.
  17. I really hope this doesn’t happen. If Boston is interested in both Z and KO it should put to rest the idea that these guys can’t contribute. If they are good enough for a playoff teams bottom six, they are sure as ***** good enough for a bottom 5 teams bottom 6. And there is no way a move of these two to a win now team results in us improving at a time where the focus absolutely has to be on winning now.
  18. I just assumed you’d have vultures circling you while doing anything physical.
  19. Actually watching this one. We’re in a quiet little brewery that has the game on, so I am watching. This team is just 0.5-1 sec slower with puck decisions than StL. And its killing us. I see enough talent, enough speed. I see slight hesitation with every frickin puck decision, and it is nearly 100% of the difference, powerplay and 5vs5.
  20. He still expected winning teams. There is your difference.
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