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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I think the post is not shareable. I couldn’t access it.
  2. This. As Inky states, he shouldn’t be our toughest player. But he’s certainly not a “problem”. He’s just not enough. This team has multiple single points of failure. Goalie, we have 1. Big, tough guy, we have 1. Powerplay QB, we have 1. Bonafide scoring centers, we have 2 maybe, but they seem to take turns making it 1 at any given game.
  3. Apparently it ain’t just in Buffalo.
  4. I genuinely have no idea what point you are trying to make. It seems to have no connection to the context of the post I replied to.
  5. Palliative care conversation at the hospital today. ***** cancer.
  6. If you assume JJP and Quinn coming back, you are essentially rolling out the same 9, with the minor change of putting in another untested kid in place of Skinner? Ugh. Or are you rolling big and JJP/Quinn get moved?
  7. I remember that as well, and also do not remember what era it is from. The closest I can come is, I think it was at the Aud.
  8. I swear Adams is purposefully trying to lose the fanbase.
  9. It certainly lends some credence to the idea that the team responds during “garbage time”. No pressure. No expectations. Gat damn but this team sure has hurt badly over the last 13 yrs for a need of a bevy of leader types.
  10. Just don’t buy green bananas.
  11. I’ve heard like 3 variations so far. Im with Inky. Cool hockey name.
  12. We all understand. Its not like this thing is a hot thread.
  13. If we’re making a trade with the Avs for the deadline, there won’t be a rostered player coming back. It’ll be sell, baby. This team hurts my heart.
  14. 4:45 on game day and the thread isn’t even pinned. Even Sabres fan forums have stopped putting in an effort. lololololololol
  15. Can I enjoy them on a game by gsme basis? Yes. And I do, depending on which team decides to show up. What I don’t do is set aside time to watch them. Pretty much the only games I see are the ones on at the bar or brewery I happen to be visiting. If they are on I’ll watch until it stops being entertaining. But if they are not on the tube, I don’t even bother to ask a bartender/server to put it on. It really has become a no effort watch for me. If I have to so much as ask, I don’t see the game. And it’s better than 50/50 that I won’t miss anything.
  16. Got it. My floor for turnover from the outside is 4 players. I won’t quibble at 3, but I think 3 isn’t quite going to do this. Emphasis on players coming from outside the organization.
  17. Wait….. Am I correctly reading that you are OK with mostly rolling this back next season?
  18. Its not about try hard/give up. It’s about being shown how and in what direction to expend the energy.
  19. That one is easy. Too many kids and not enough hardened vets. The kids don’t know how to turn it around and the few grey beards we have are past their ability to carry the load. As everything else infecting the Sabres, it rests with the GMs plan. Gamble that leaving the goalie situation unchanged will work out, that adding another retirement age vet will work out, that the kids at forward will figure it out themselves.
  20. An away game coming off a loss? They’ll win it, look good doing it, and raise a stick salute to the Habs fans.
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