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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Thanks! Dumb luck on that sun picture since it was so bright I could hardly see what I was capturing, but the result was pretty neat... almost looks like flower petals.
  2. Hiked up Mount Sniktau and Cupid (both 13ers) from Loveland Pass today. Really freaking cold and windy, but the views were pretty incredible. Somewhere around 1400 feet of elevation gain in 1.8 miles just to Sniktau, so it's definitely a workout.
  3. Good to see you! Heavy in here today. :(
  4. What a POS. I feel like you and ChileanSeaBass (if he's still around) will have a lot in common.
  5. Do you mean the last Captain America movie (Civil War, which felt more like an Avengers movie)? I agree that one was terrible, but I also totally agree with Jo; Ragnorok gets them back on track in a big way. Absolutely.
  6. D'awww. I take it the cat set her straight? :D
  7. I just saw it tonight, and that was definitely a ton of fun. Cate Blanchett is ageless! And the Matt Damon cameo cracked me up. Can't wait for the next Avengers and Dr Strange movies!
  8. Fingers and toes! Our new employee finally started today, and she is awesome... she totally fits with my other coworker and I personality-wise, and is very motivated to learn and take on some responsibility. So glad we didn't hire one of the many "eh, maybe" candidates who applied and instead waited the extra several weeks (the job was originally posted in early August). I'm very optimistic that she can help lighten my workload and get our group where we need to be over the next few weeks.
  9. Right?! Still trying to keep an eye out for a reasonable flight so I can join the SS get together in March... Frontier so far has been much ado about nothing as far as that new direct route they promised (BOO). Whointhehell would choose to take a flight that leaves Denver after midnight, stops for 3 hours in Orlando, and gets to Buffalo at 12:45pm the next day??? I love Denver, but I miss being able to just drive my car up there to see everyone.
  10. D'oh... just found out I've been volunteered to join a work trip that has me leaving town the same night as the game. :doh:
  11. :lol: Will do, haha... we'll see how the movie goes tomorrow evening, but he's inviting another (male) friend and she might be inviting another (female) friend, so I won't be surprised if they both play it cool. I have no problem with him not wanting to have it out there in front of me since it's my friend and we work together, as long as he's being fully honest with her. I think secretly I just wanted the chance to tell him that I set them up so he could thank me for introducing him to such a cool chick, lol.
  12. Wow, talented kid (and great teacher)!
  13. Definitely regretting buying a ticket for when the Sabres come to Denver in about 2 weeks. Oof. Seemed like a good idea back in August or September... So, so tired. I'm a broken record, but too much work. And the new employee who was supposed to start today had to delay until tomorrow for personal reasons that are more than understandable, but definitely inconvenient and hopefully won't be too much of a distraction going forward. Just want to sleep.
  14. :( Shame for him. Hopefully he's got some resources set aside and can find something else he enjoys doing as a second career.
  15. Welp; that's no good! Hopefully the cat will give him a good swat on the nose and that will be the end of that.
  16. Assuming it's not someone else's pet (like poor Eleven's girlfriend's cat), go for it! Seems quite comfortable with you guys. :) :lol: I was joking with him the other day that he was born in the wrong decade; for someone who was born in the 90s, he really knows a lot about 80s music and pop culture. It's pretty funny, really, but it's also nice when my out of date references don't result in blank stares, lol. I'm really hoping he just feels awkward talking to me about her because she's my friend, because he still hasn't said anything but she told me they got together again last night and have plans for this weekend. So Friday might be odd if he tries to play it cool and keep up appearances, but at least the two of them are still getting along, which is about all I could hope for at this point, I think.
  17. It might end up falling out... never happened to me, but I've heard it happens a lot to hikers from the toe constantly hitting the toe box of your shoes and getting damaged. Ouch.
  18. Hmmm... I don't think so? I mean, we get along really well, but we've only gotten together twice outside of work (not counting the joint "dates" with my friend), and both times were kind of work-related since we were celebrating milestones achieved at work. I talk about my boyfriend a lot and I'm always highlighting the age difference (he's 24 and I'm 37), too. And he was joking a while back about how I should introduce him to all my female friends after I was telling him about a night spent playing Cards Against Humanity with my snowboarding ladies. :unsure: :w00t: :lol:
  19. :w00t: Maybe. Ugh I thought I'd done a good thing introducing them and now I'm not so sure. We have a really good working relationship and get along well, so I don't want to do anything to mess that up (or hurt my friend). Yeah, and I couldn't blame him for that... I dunno, maybe he's just trying to play it cool and not let on he likes her too much if he thinks I'll just tell her, but I just don't want Fri. to be weird. What have I done, lol.
  20. Yeah because I told her towards the end of last week that I thought it was funny he still hadn't said anything about them, and now she's paranoid that he's hiding it for some reason. I told her he was probably just worried I might not be cool with it and I'd wait until today to say something, and she hasn't asked yet but she's probably wondering. And honestly your last point is the only other explanation I can come up with, but he totally doesn't seem like that kind of guy at all. He had mentioned several weeks back about hanging out with a female friend of his and getting along with her friend, but he hadn't mentioned her since and he's honestly been so busy hanging out with other guy friends of his and then my friend and I the last few weekends that I don't know how he'd even have time to be dating someone else. Even so, it would be fine for him to casually date a few girls if he wasn't ready to get serious with anyone right now, but the guy had a long-term girlfriend through college who he lived with until last Feb., so he really doesn't seem like the type to collect Tinder dates or anything. I just don't get it.
  21. If it were you, wouldn't you kind of guess that the girl might tell her friend, though? I like both of them and I don't mind all of us getting together, but I don't want to be a 3rd wheel and I don't want him to be pretending they're not already talking and hanging out separately because it'll make her question his feelings for her if he's suddenly self-conscious or less affectionate if I'm there, and that's not fair to her. I don't want to call him out and tell him I already know because then he'll know she told me, but I just want it out there in the open.
  22. I need a male perspective on something and can't justify starting a new thread for this, so we'll try this one. Background: My coworker is a young guy, and I remember thinking when he first started (last April) that I wanted him to meet my younger female friend because I thought they'd probably get along. My friend ended up dating someone else pretty soon after, so I never had the chance. Fast-forward to around 6-8 weeks ago, and she is newly single because things didn't work out with the guy she was dating. I told her I wanted to introduce her to my coworker because he's a really nice guy, smart, funny, etc. She wasn't really looking to date again so soon, but was still interested to meet him as a potential friend, and I told her there wouldn't be any pressure from my end and that I wouldn't tell my coworker anything about it. She's going to school on the same campus where we work, so she and I planned to meet for lunch one day (they do food trucks here a lot, so it was going to be pretty casual) and I invited him to join us. They definitely got along, so all of us got together again for lunch a couple weeks after, and at that point she'd brought up Stranger Things. They both loved the show and wanted to get me to watch it so we could all watch the 2nd season when it came out, so that's how I ended up getting in to the show. The night season 2 came out, all three of us met up at my friend's apartment to watch several episodes, and the two of them were getting along famously. She'd given him her phone # and they were texting some, and we'd all planned to do the same thing the following Friday night. I'd told her I was happy they'd met because if nothing else they seemed like they'd be good friends, and she definitely seemed interested. The following Friday, we all met at her place again, but he had gotten there earlier since I was running behind. When I got there they looked super cozy together, sharing a blanket on the couch and laughing. We finished watching the series, and when it was time to go, I had the feeling he was kind of stalling since the week before he and I had left at the same time. I took the hint and left without him so he could have a chance to make a move if he wanted. That Sunday my friend told me the two of them had gotten together again over the weekend for dinner and a movie, and that they had made plans for the following weekend as well. All cool by me, since I introduced them on purpose! But here's where it gets a little weird... ... my coworker didn't say anything about it last week. Like I gave him a few opportunities (we usually talk about what we did over the weekend, upcoming plans, etc), and nothing. Something came up later in the week where he realized he had the dates wrong about when a friend of his was in town to visit and he had to cancel their plans, and she told me that he told her the same thing, but he again said nothing about her when he and I were talking (just generically "I had to cancel all my plans for the weekend"). I brushed it off at first because I wondered if maybe he thought I'd be mad about him trying to date my friend, but the three of us were talking about going to see Thor this coming Friday and I really don't want things to be weird or him to feel like he has to pretend he doesn't like her. So today at lunch, I said something like, "Hey, this is kind of awkward to bring up, but I just want to get this out there since we're all planning on getting together again this week. It seems like you and (my friend) get along pretty well, and I just wanted to make sure you know that if you guys like each other, she's not off limits or anything like that just because she's my friend... feel free to go for it. And while I'm happy to keep hanging out with you guys, if you wanted to do something on your own, you shouldn't feel like you have to invite me along." And his response was kind of weird... like he said something to the effect that it was good to know and he was just happy to have friends to go and see movies and do things like that. I didn't press because I don't want to make things uncomfortable, but any ideas from you guys on what the deal is? Like I honestly can't think of a reason why he wouldn't have just said at that point like, "thanks, I'd really like to get to know her" or something like that. I don't need specifics and it's not my business where it goes from here, but I want to make sure he's not being shady for some reason. He's always seemed like a totally nice and stand-up guy, so I can't figure out why he wouldn't just be up front about it. We talk all the time at work, and he's told me about other dates he's gone on (none recently), so it's not like it's a forbidden topic or anything.
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