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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Holy sh!t that was awesome! Good God, that battle... wow. Major tension building with Dany/Jon. Kind of surprised Bran didn't let on more about Arya, but it was fun for everyone else to find out in the scene with Brienne. So great.
  2. That's a wild shot, Doohickie!
  3. Pretty sunset! The view from Mt Democrat and wildflowers near the trailhead.
  4. Hiked the "Decalibron" with some friends today, which includes 4 14ers (Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln, and Bross) in an 8 or so mile loop with almost 4000 ft total gain in elevation. http://www.gohikecolorado.com/decalibron.html Kicked my butt. Pics in the photography thread. Holy Moses I'm tired.
  5. Monday morning I started a roast in the slow cooker for pulled pork. I tend to be heavy-handed when trimming the fat because it grosses me out. Since I was heading to work, I forgot all about taking out the trash right away. And I don't have air conditioning at my house. Monday evening: mmm, pulled pork. Tuesday morning: off to work! Tuesday evening: dear God, it smells like something died in my kitchen. :sick: Thank God for candles!
  6. I'm not at all worried about paying TW; I just don't want to claim a ticket over someone who wants to go and knows for certain that they can. If I still lived in PA I'd already be a confirmed yes. :(
  7. Direct! :D http://www.denverpost.com/2017/07/18/frontier-adds-new-routes-denver-international/
  8. Thanks... wish I could see pricing on the Frontier flight options to help me decide, but looks like they're not going to show them until the route is closer to up and running. I'd like to go but I'll have to be a tentative yes for now, so if enough other people are in, don't bump someone else on my account... I can always try and get a ticket on my own later on if need be.
  9. Do we have a ballpark of what tix will cost for the game? I'd like to go if I can find a reasonable flight out there. Not generally a fan of Frontier, but they're adding a DEN to BUF route this fall! :D
  10. I love Lady Olenna. And holy crap, Cersei and Jaime! That is all.
  11. I need to read that one... never got around to it, but after it comes up in the Dark Tower books, I really should! Fair point; the first two are both pretty short, so they're worth another go at some point! As for IT, I certainly hope so!
  12. You couldn't get into the Dark Tower? Must just not be your bag, because the first book (The Gunslinger) is a pretty quick read, and The second (The Drawing of the Three) was great. That might not be so bad... they'll still have to cut quite a bit, but at least if they break it into two movies, there might be a chance! Have you read the book, qwk?
  13. One of my good friends really wanted to have more children, and she found out last week that it's not going to happen after their 5th and final attempt at IVF failed. She had become pregnant with her son (who is now 2) out of "luck" after the first two rounds of IVF didn't work, and even after an extremely difficult pregnancy and delivery, they still wanted more children badly enough to put themselves through that process again. While having kids has never been a desire of mine, I'm so sad for her because it has to be heartbreaking for them. They're such good parents, too. :(
  14. Yep, read this one, although I read it after seeing the TV miniseries ages ago... so, so freaky. I'm a little worried Hollywood is going to ruin it because there's no way to capture a 1000+ page book in a 2 hour movie without cutting some major material, but we'll see how they do.
  15. So conflicted about this and The Dark Tower... both trailers look amazing, and both books are incredible, but Hollywood has a reputation for botching Stephen King adaptations... I sincerely hope these two reverse the trend!
  16. Chains seems like they'd really hurt, but I suppose ropes can be unforgiving, too! Impressive as always!
  17. Beat me to it, but yep... Arya said the same thing to Ned when he'd told her she'd be a Noble Lady with a husband and children ("that's not me"). I wouldn't have put those two scenes together had I not watched the recap... I thought she was taking the blame for the wolf leaving (like "it's not you, it's me") since she'd changed so much. That scene change between Jorah and Arya with Hot Pie... :sick: Did anyone else get the impression that Little Finger knew and was going to tell Jon about his real parents (before Jon cut him off)?
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