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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Interesting. I remember seeing a ton of windmills driving out to Buffalo on 20A (I think?), but would not have guessed solar would enjoy more widespread adoption!
  2. I'm gonna guess solar is a lot bigger share of the energy market in places with more consistent sun than cloud cover (i.e. Arizona / CA / CO / NM, not so much back East). I have friends who installed solar panels on their roof out here and expect it'll only take them a few years before they've recovered their investment, but it would take a lot longer to break even in NY when it's overcast much of the winter months.
  3. We're in the process of trying to hire another 1-2 people in the lab. There are only 2 of us now, and I'm easily the most senior of everyone (current and under consideration) in years of experience, but one of the people we're hoping to hire (assuming the in-person interview goes well) sounds like a rock star in the areas where I have the least experience overall... and she'll probably be making half what I do. I'm normally pretty confident in my abilities when it comes to work, but this whole thing has me feeling very insecure. I know they are happy with the job I've done so far, but I can't help but think if I had applied to the job we're currently trying to fill, I wouldn't have even gotten an interview because my background doesn't quite line up with what they're looking for. I want / need to talk to my boss about things, but I'm trying to figure out how to approach it the right way so it doesn't come off poorly. I really just want to know that I can justify my salary relative to others in the group, whether it's through increased responsibility or something extra I bring to the table that the others don't have.
  4. YES, this is amazing... I've made it before and loved it, but I tend to forget. Perfect season for this, though! A spicier rye goes so well with the maple flavor.
  5. Good stuff -- thanks! Interesting. There have been a few times when I've wished I had a mirror, but I wouldn't have thought to mount on my helmet! Will have to check out options.
  6. Holy cow. Glad our Florida posters are all safe!
  7. That's definitely good to know. I try to stick to trails because riding on roads makes me nervous where there aren't dedicated bike lanes. Denver has groups actively trying to make the city even more bike-friendly, but it's a slow process and I just don't have the confidence to ride with traffic yet.
  8. I don't recall whether it was season 3 or 4 of Breaking Bad, but there's definitely a stretch of episodes in the middle where I kind of hated all of the characters. But once you get to the last few episodes of that season, it's hard not to binge through the remaining ones.
  9. Fair enough. Nice that you have so many options available!
  10. As much as you ride, it's hard to believe there's any new territory left for you! Sounds like a perfect day.
  11. Nice! I have a hard time believing it's better, but great to hear it's at least as good!
  12. Oh man, I forgot about The Green Mile, too. Never heard of Apt Pupil... will have to check it out!
  13. Hard to say because he has so darn many... I enjoyed the TV miniseries for both The Stand and IT, but I also saw both prior to reading the books, and that's been the case (for me) for most of his movie adaptations. I've heard Carrie was well done, but I've actually neither read the book nor seen the movie! Edit: I missed the most obvious good one: Misery!
  14. Quick, go home and finish those 100 pages! lol I have high hopes that this might be the best Stephen King movie adaptation ever, but I'm still being a chicken about seeing the movie (especially by myself), haha.
  15. Looking forward to hearing what you thought! I can't remember, did you finish the book (or at least get to where they're adults)?
  16. NS, do you approve? The first image of Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury will stun you
  17. I had brunch at a restaurant here that used banana bread for French toast... amazing.
  18. Can't believe the movie already comes out this week... lots of buzz about this one. I'm considerably more optimistic than I was about The Dark Tower, which was all but doomed to fail. I want to see IT because it looks very well done, but I've turned into a chicken in my old age and I'm kinda over horror movies. :unsure:
  19. A work complaint as old as time; people who don't actually have to do the job mandating a particular task be done, in spite of several conversations making clear the issues with said task and the multitude of reasons why it's actually a terrible idea. "Make it work." :censored: Speaking of work; I'm still f*cking here. Again. BLARGH.
  20. My friend's father in law has a problem where his epiglottis doesn't seal properly and he ends up aspirating small amounts food and drink into his lungs, but in his case he doesn't feel like he's choking, he's just prone to lower respiratory infections.
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