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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Dunlevy and Ray on PBP. Having trouble identifying players.
  2. Well I guess better give some highlights. Not much yet. Chances both ways. Zadorov just took a penalty.
  3. Desktop with Chrome browser. Clicked window on Sabres.com to start it.
  4. You couldn't be more wrong. Concentration of wealth cripples the entire economy because money is not circulating. That's what makes jobs. There has to be money available to be earned. A million people spending a little is going to have way more impact than one billionaire buying a yacht. It's ironic how Obama is accused of being a radical socialist while the stock market and the wealthiest 1% are doing better than ever. Of course nothing today makes sense anymore.
  5. Fashion changes and so does what wins in the NHL. Darcy built a team around speed and finesse out of the lockout in '05 (I think) and was the toast of the NHL. So Murray is going with size and strength but we are coming to the party a bit late. We're good until someone builds a team of gazelles and wins a cup.
  6. http://ghintpp.com/nhgolf/TPPOnlineScoring/ResultsStroke.aspx?id=202&fid=0 Here's the scoreboard if you want to follow along. Spoke to Ty for a few minutes after his round. Here's the thumbnail: 1) He's a development coach for goalies with the Blues (Jim Corsi got him the gig.) 2) He doesn't stay in touch with the Sabres Alumni but he does talk to Ryan Miller. 3) Made a snide comment about the NHL "getting what they wanted" in the first Winter Classic. (Snow, Crosby scoring, shootout, etc.) 4) He doesn't play hockey at all anymore, not even for fun. Pads are put away for good. 5) Lives in NH now and plays a lot of golf.
  7. I was woken up this morning with a last second assignment cover a pro-am golf tournament today. One player is former NHL and Sabres goalie Ty Conklin. I'll be writing a feature on him about what he's doing since retirement. Anyone have any questions to suggest I ask?
  8. Pfft! Like there's even a question he'll sign with us. This is Hockey Heaven!
  9. The tank being over does not mark the end of losing, just the end of trying to lose. I also can envision the disappointment when don't get McDavid.
  10. I need to dig up the original TP as new owner thread. I predicted he'd be a villain in two years. Was I wrong?
  11. Being aggressive keeping Byrd would involve taking his family hostage. Sometimes people don't want stay. They signed Williams and moved on. Teams lose players, even good teams. They get over it.
  12. Yes I do find it amusing, in fact. It's hilarious to me how the answer is always to fire everyone after every season. Maybe it's because every other regime failed after 3 years that we just want to flush it now and not give it any time. Do I think the Bills are well run? I do now. I think Whaley is a solid GM executing a well thought out plan. The current regime has nothing to do with the playoff drought. In fact they are being more aggressive than ever to end that drought. You would think fans would appreciate that. But some people would rather be depressed, I guess.
  13. :lol: The endless lament. "Nothing will change until (insert names here) are gone! Like a broken record.
  14. Don't forget there are entertainment and dining options near the arena. Helium Comedy Club and Lagerhaus 95. Maybe a band at Buffalo Iron Works. Oh, 716 in the Harborcenter should be open by then.
  15. http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/2014/07/07/maple_leaf_fans_should_expect_quiet_summer_dimanno.html
  16. What owner of a multi-million dollar company doesn't need to know what his employees are doing?
  17. Just started a new hash tag: #BNsexist.
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