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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Its on dowm to 7 Now 4 Not To the oil get McD
  2. This coming from the Dweeb Putz...That being said I give Foligno, Cody and a bag of pucks but nothing more. Let Lucic move to the Western Conference.
  3. Jeez first time I totally agree with you.. Spot on.
  4. After the first round, any sense of what Sabres do in the 2nd?
  5. From one Dweeb Putz to an old bitter beer faced geezer... Just say no...
  6. IMO Cody is gone the way of staph, Sabres need to cure this brewing infection. i like Nolan have little time for it, Cody is a poor mans Brad Richards..
  7. See and this last paragraph is a legit argument against Nolan, though I am not sure about its veracity... Could be, Nolan and younger guys have seemed to be an issue, but not always, more a hustle kinda deal with Nolan, he doesn't deal with immature young kids. Grigs and Big Z, as Grigs appeared to figure it out he got more playing time.. not sure
  8. Yeh my Stomach couldn't handle it and I am not sure Milan's could either, though if he brought his A game he would be awesome. ?How beat up is he? Not the same guy this year.
  9. LOL, and the reason the Sabres are not there. Eleven any sigh... insightful comment about this fact that hasn't been made by you over the last number of years???
  10. Watching both back and forth. Someone said 1st round series on a recent thread are rough and the Ottawa Canadienne's is living up to that billing. Isle gave up a late cheap one on a Halak puck misplay... Should be an interesting series.
  11. Yeh I am not sure this was about direction rather than control, but maybe. Either way, LaFontaine was ill prepared for how Murray played the game and Nolan knew he wasn't there. True that is how to be successful in a short term. But it also burns bridges and we will see how long this lasts. Then it begs the question can Murray find a coach that will work with him and will he relinquish some control and literally work with that coach, not serve as overlord. Conscensus building is crucial for positions of leadership. Letting people take credit for their ideas while still shepherding them in the necessary direction is critical to building a successful organization and showing leadership. Remains to be seen if Murray has the chops for this and his recent way of going about it does not bode well despite all of the apologists. The choice for next coach will be insightful.
  12. Vs. weasel? really Nolan sucks who are you Mike Millbury?
  13. Makes me want Eichel appears more NHL ready, but who knows both will learn next year in NHL.
  14. Oh i agree Patty had no idea how to play in primetime and Murray took advantage of it for his own gain. Not sure that benefits the sabres though.
  15. Read what he wrote, not abt Nolan, but about group think murray's cahoonas washing.
  16. Dude you misread me, TN I said probably needed to go because he wasnt a Murray guy. But my concern is for Murray and his GM style. TN has his faults and i am ok that TM thought he wasnt a good fit or not my guy, but say that, dont try and justify it with lame allusion to being better. I think it would have been great to have PLF, Murray and TN on the same page. PLF under estimated Murray's ability and desire to go behind his back to take control and at that point TN's days were numbered. Anything less than that is disengenious. The question I have is after all that hardball can Murray produce guys past the first round and deal with anyone not is not a lap dog as a coach. Conscensus building takes work but tends to get everyone going together. Fiefdoms tend to implode... Would Babcock actually want to coach under Murray?
  17. Fine you disagree, buy if it walks like a duck... Starting to see a concerning pattern. Hey i have my bias and you guys seem to think Murray is a shiny new toy. I'll admit it if i am wrong, but if this Murray experiment craps the bed it will set Sabres back even more... A lot will depend on his choice for the next coach... And yes it will be his choice this time.
  18. Hey I still go after those guys on the ice, sorry can't help myself. They call our beer league team Iceholes for a reason.
  19. Really, Lemieux said he wanted to be treated like a 1st rounder after not getting drafted, Balls and Mess I agree with except Murray said he expected Sabres to be better as an excuse for getting rid of Nolan... My problem is we went from a wishy washy guy Darcy, to someone that has no loyalty or integrity.
  20. 52. He looks like the dweeb putz everyone kicked the crap out of in grammar school.
  21. True, but a maybe still and what kinda of teammate?
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