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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Amerks 2-2 against the Crunch in the penultimate game of the season. Olofsson with both goals.
  2. If it wasn't for wookies we wouldn't have Darth Vader. (Insert some weird star wars conspiracy)
  3. Consensual diddling (it's a synonym of tampering, look it up)
  4. Outside of a career ending injury after we draft one of them, I'd hardly consider it bad news.
  5. Olofsson and Borgen with the tallies.
  6. I've never been Jim Kelly's biggest fan. For no good reason really. I just watched A Football Life featuring Jim. I regret what I said. He may not be the world's best person but he's been through more than I can imagine.
  7. Why is anyway pluralized? What's it called when people do that?!
  8. Can I just shower you? I have this luffa on a stick
  9. If Thompson and the blues pick turn into top 6 players (I know, the chances are super slim) then he will be forgiven. Until then, yeah it sucks.
  10. I'd prefer if he was the 17th forward
  11. What JBOT does with this waste of space will go a long way in determining if he knows what he is doing
  12. I guess the only issue I have with that is why didn't JBot send them down when it was clear they weren't improving in the NHL.
  13. I would have rather seen him score 40 goals and 60 points whilst working on his overall game then baby giraffe his way through the season as he did this year. A complete waste. He's no better at this point than he was to start the season.
  14. So I keep getting notifications for a job opening in girl scout recruiting. Is someone looking for predators? Just a weird job posting.
  15. I started a thread stating those players were coming back to the Amerks. Hours later someone else posted they were sent down in this thread. So his comment was a jab at me. Carry on.
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