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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I wonder if the injury is what made him avoid contact like the plague. He would literally jump out of the way of oncoming forecheckers.
  2. I wouldn't hold any of that past against Keefe but man has he gone through some *****. He has to carry a lot of baggage from that period of his life, a very formative time for sure. As a human, I have to wonder how it impacts his day to day actions.
  3. It feels like there is a lot of info out there but it doesn't seem as if anyone ever surmized it in one place. The OP makes it seem as if Keefe is some sort of criminal or bad guy but nothing I've read really details anything he did. Scratch that. The Reddit piece covers it all. It would have been nice had the OP understood SDS's request and not post the entire article rather than abandoning it all together .
  4. Yeah they're gonna get work but is it going to be 6 figure salaries? https://stylecaster.com/game-of-thrones-cast-salary-2019/
  5. Outside of Kit and Emilia, will any of them get pay checks like this again?
  6. I feel this article is a little more coherent. https://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/2015/03/27/sheldon-keefe-builds-second-career-out-of-second-chance.html
  7. inkman

    [OT] Tattoos

    Somewhat regrettable given the location and the reason but I like the artwork.
  8. They didn't exactly advertise he'd be throwing out a handful of WTF plays a game but I guess we we're supposed to anticipate that.
  9. I thinks it's exponentially easier to create a good team in a lesser league. I won't speak to the Beauts, as I have no knowledge about them, but the other teams listed are basically just stacked rosters. Put enough good players on a team, it'll be good most of the time. It's a heck of a lot easier to put a bunch of AHL all-stars and high level prospects together. Finding top end NHL talent, that's a different story.
  10. I believe the word he is looking for is tall
  11. You may want to quote whomever or whatever you are talking about
  12. inkman

    [OT] Tattoos

    Tattoo shops draw a strange sort. The shop I used to frequent was so over the top machismo and faux tough guy BS I had to leave. Constantly blasting thrash and playing horror films for everyone's "pleasure". I felt so out of place. I don't go anymore but the ones I've been exposed to the last decade we're so much more my speed.
  13. inkman

    [OT] Tattoos

    I haven't gotten any ink in quite a while. It's in Perry but he's the best I've found. Very casual laid back dude which was the opposite of a lot of artists I've been to. https://m.facebook.com/Sky-High-Ink-146755847311/
  14. Some employees where I work don't know what hummus is. That was an eye opener.
  15. Can he lace em up? His style is exactly what the Sabres need more of.
  16. inkman

    [OT] Tattoos

    Got 17ish tattoos. Some regrets. Here's one of my favs.
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