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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Feed is definitely AHLTV level. Save is other worldly.
  2. Kulich scores his 2nd goal in forever (20 games?).
  3. I spoke with him IRL. He’s doing well, looks like he took a break from this place. Something more of us should probably do.
  4. It’s too much time to spend on your knees. Trust me.
  5. Amerks had to ice 8 D due to injury & illness. And they dominated. It might be their best lineup. 🤣
  6. Rochester is just the farm team for the Sabres. They should be able to take whoever they want whenever they want. ***** the Amerks. /amidoingthisright
  7. Also has 4.3 speed, something the Bills desperately needed.
  8. Was concussed shortly after comeback from WJC.
  9. Hated him in fantasy. Skill set looks a lot like Shakir. Not sure I see a #2 WR.
  10. It does seem like they squeak out wins or get blown the ***** out. Stats kinda line up.
  11. Or make teams have to be cap compliant on a game to game basis. If the roster you put on the ice isn’t under the cap, you gotta sit someone.
  12. Listening to Darren Dreger on Sabres Live, he stated that Bettman and the league front office personnel aren’t concerned at all with teams like Vegas completely abusing the salary cap restrictions with their ridiculous LTIR manipulation of the cap. Has there ever been a company so tone deaf to their sports basic fundamental principles?
  13. inkman

    Running UPL

    This won’t make any difference
  14. inkman

    Running UPL

    And not that it matters but UPL has been by far their best player all season.
  15. inkman

    Running UPL

    I saw a couple hits by Clifton that seemed a little extra IYKWIM, but I never got the license plate of who he hit. Is he done beating his wife?
  16. inkman

    Running UPL

    Honestly, the team needs a couple more players that’ll do something about it. Cozens, Robinson and Clifton can hold their own against either of the two chumps who ran UPL. Not responding is inexcusable.
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