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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Our Boy Savoie with a 2 goal, 3 assist night for Moosejaw. Nice
  2. I have no idea how to pronounce his last name. Can you break it down phonetically?
  3. Take it up with the official NHL stat keepers because Cozens is the goal scorer of record at the moment. Difficult as it may be to determine, the NHL has determined that Cozens scored the goal. At least for now.
  4. I see that Cozens was credited with the Greenway goal.
  5. Can’t take any more of Rob Ray and Dunleavey. It’s amateur hour every game. Which, come to think of it, is totally apropos for this group of players.
  6. Nice clearing attempt right on the stick of the Wild player. If we could pass that well to our own guys, we’d be pretty good.
  7. Anyone know if our boy Savoie is injured again? He’s been out of the Moosejaw lineup that last couple of games.
  8. Amerks wearing jerseys with their nicknames on the name plates. Levi is “Beast.” Gotta love it.
  9. Good point and I agree. But that said, we had a ton of good chances on offense tonight, free-wheeling or otherwise.
  10. Is Oopie hurt? Because if not, Granato is even more clueless than I thought. Makes ZERO sense to sit the hotter goaltender coming off a shutout with two days between games. Edit: Never mind, I just saw the thread about Oopie’s injury. Damn.
  11. If we had the answer to that we’d be millionaires.
  12. To be fair, they came out with jump right from the opening puck drop and have sustained it all game.
  13. Makes me hate them more because this game really exposes the kind if frauds they’ve been all season. Selective effort is intolerable.
  14. RJ doesn’t spend much time thinking about the play to make; he commits and goes, come what may. Whereas OP is seemingly paralyzed by over analysis and is just too slow in his decision making. I think that’s because he’s afraid of making the big gaffe and I think it’s something he can mature out of.
  15. Watching the Sabres tends to make me morose and lugubrious.
  16. Ah, the waves were the SB winning years. But in that 10 year interim between Lombardis, they went to five conference championship games as well. I look at their dynasty as one giant, continuous wave; the decade between SB wins notwithstanding.
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