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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Let's be honest, GDubbya set the bar at an impossibly low level.
  2. That dolt and his neo-con puppet masters phucked things up in that region for the next 100 years. And I say that knowing how phucked up that region has been for the last 100 years.
  3. HaHa! But that might be impossible for someone that sleeps while hanging upside down and can't be exposed to direct sunlight. GO SABRES!!!
  4. You might be on to something here. We were well on our way to becoming a hot pocket society before google with our 5 second attention spans and incessant need for distractions. Source checking is more important than ever. It always comes down to my Comms 101 lesson from years ago; that the sender, receiver, and the message itself constitutes communication. We can tailor our information sending and receiving to support whatever opinion we hold about anything. Especially when it comes to messages we "want" to hear. From what we know about what they found in his home, the forensic psychologists are going to have a field day.
  5. I didn't have n in mind specifically. One way to manage potential biases is to admit we all have them which might be the first step in analyzing things with more objectivity. It's not that simple though, when our biases run in lock step with desired outcomes. It all starts with a willingness to be edified.
  6. I thought it was a rule that all strong men need to have the word "Magnus" somewhere in their name.
  7. The fact he was Iranian will be enough to convince the myopic that this was another case of 'Islamic' terrorism. They tend to be short on nuance and given their loyalty to right-wing news sources, they have been convinced to be afraid; be very afraid. Nobody sells fear like the far right.
  8. Spirit of the discussion? You mean the vilification of a 23 year old young man, blessed with hockey talent, that has a chance to exercise his collectively bargained right to become a free agent? Or is it the spirit of the portion of the discussion that condemns GMTM for using a low risk asset for a chance at a high reward? Christ, after wading through the mounds of crap and trolling along those lines, I thought the math discussion was a welcomed distraction. I really don't give a flying phuck whether anyone appreciates the difference between odds and probability. Like I said, it was a welcomed distraction. Carry on. GO SABRES!!!
  9. Still no respect for the difference between odds and probability, I see. The purist in me weeps. I'm out. But thanks for the exercise. GO SABRES!!!
  10. This is who NC wants in the bathroom with little girls. This person, who was born a girl has identified as a male for most of his 23 years. He still possesses female genitalia and because he has that, NC insists he use the girls room. America is downright stupid at times. Not just ignorant, but stupid.
  11. From Dr. Math himself: What can I say, I'm a stickler for detail. Hockey season can't get here fast enough. GO SABRES!!!
  12. Perhaps. But I gotta wonder why? Why would the police seek to make a point out of Evander Kane? For whose benefit is this show they are putting on? As Sabre fans, we all hope Kane is an upstanding citizen. Why would the police seek to negate that image?
  13. BS charges or not, one of the three women or the bouncer involved has decided to press those bullschit charges. The police have a responsibility to respect that.
  14. Agreed. Suggesting GMTM should have anticipated legal troubles for Kane and be held accountable for them, is bullschit. GO SABRES!!!
  15. I'll be sure to incorporate more winky faces and exclamation points in the future. In the meantime: :beer:
  16. OK, you win. Which is far more important than any actual understanding, anyway.
  17. Is Trump in the habit of disavowing people he knows nothing about? A bad earpiece? Really?
  18. In a word, context. I don't disagree with the math. I am just clarifying that odds don't change, only probability.
  19. 100 dice simply means 100 chances of hitting a 1 in 6 outcome. The odds are still 1 in 6 for any one of those 100 dice to land on a 3. Probability and odds are not the same things, mathematically speaking.
  20. It's not about those numbers being right or wrong, it's about understanding how our government works before making an argument assigning blame for them and having people believe that a president is solely responsible for those outcomes. That is sophistry in my book. When you get a chance, please refer me to a single president that didn't see the national debt grow during his tenure.
  21. The short cop looks like constable Bob Sweeney from 'Justified.'
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