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tom webster

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Everything posted by tom webster

  1. Yeah, I knew where you were coming from. Should have made that clear.
  2. I know how much he’s beloved but serious question. Has he been any good with Seattle?
  3. Here is a trivia question for anyone that hadn’t seen Joe Dibiasi’s post. Out of 382 players drafted by Buffalo in the last 40 years, only three have played 600 games with Buffalo. Name them.
  4. Last guess, was the population stable for about 5 or 6 years?
  5. You got 2 of 3. I already gave answer. Number 3 was Carriere.
  6. I would go with Tom Barasso for penalty minutes and maybe Dave Andrejchuk (sic?)for time between goals.
  7. Larry Carriere. And for the record Korab played 79 Hajt 76 Schoeny 68
  8. Funny, because I was just saying today that I need a week away from everything. Hopefully you have better success then I expect I’ll have.
  9. Should of been clear that I was kidding.
  10. No, technically they can’t consummate trade less then a full twelve months after he was traded between same teams. A CBA technicality that is designed to prevent teams from lending players to circumvent the cap. Kinda weird me giving you CBA advice.
  11. He did occasionally play point on the power play so that was kind of a defenseman.
  12. I think you covered the whole defense corp except for the guy that played all 97 games that year.
  13. I know this isn’t the place for this but I have to say, I love that someone that I respect and genuinely like is so on the opposite side of this issue as me. Of course, it helps that eleven is wrong and I’m right 😉
  14. I know I sound like a broken record, but people have been worrying about free agent signings and salary cap implications eventually catching up to teams since Andy Messersmith signed with the Braves. Bill Polian has become kind of a sad caricature of himself but he said it best when he said, smart teams will always figure it out and will seldom, if ever, lose someone they really want to keep.
  15. Two of those guys played the entire regular season and one played the entire playoffs. Third guy still not mentioned.
  16. I’ll send out clues later today if no one guesses correctly
  17. I believe they made it clear to the veterans on this team that they would “go” for it. People spend a lot of time discussing the explicit language of contracts but when guys sign deals, there is a lot of conversation about implicit language. I’ll be shocked if they don’t add a goalie, a defenseman and maybe a center. Nobody there cares what I’ll feel though. They do care about what that locker room will feel though.
  18. Yep. They have almost no draft picks, a weak prospect pool and like you said, Pasternak is the only player of value so what could they really do?
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