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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. That first is looking pretty good right now.
  2. You know, Sulzer is leading all D in goals, and is second only to Ehrhoff in +/-. Maybe he should stay in. :)
  3. FWIW, there's a few dozen people here that figure Myers is being ruined by Ruff. There has to be at least 1 (probably several) GMs or HCs that think the same thing, and that they can fix Myers. His trade stock probably isn't as low as some here would think.
  4. Yeah, that series was really cool. Victory (I'm really not trying to sound like a fanboi here) did something similar as well but on draft, so you could get a flight of the components and then a pint of the finished product. I really think that if I were going to put serious thought into a kegerator/bar set up for my house, I'd be looking for a hand pump solution. Every beer I'd had both on hand pump and standard draft has been far better on pump. Very cool. I like them a lot as well. Victory did a smoked Hefe awhile back (Scarlet Sunrise). That was an absolutely incredible beer. Tons of complexity and changes. It must have had some issue though, I haven't seen it back since then. Now there's a beer I do miss.
  5. With no backup on this idea, you might want to search (Google) to see if Comcast plays games with traffic shaping (I have no idea). Routers have the ability to classify traffic by type and bandwidth and limit it "for the good of everyone". You see it most with Bittorrent and whatnot, but I wouldn't put it past them to limit other high-traffic stuff too. Protecting people's Skype sessions is way more important from a business standpoint than hardcore gamers. Oh, and +1 on the no-wifi comment. The hop between your device and router will *always* be greater using wifi. Wifi ping times (the latency just between the router and the device) will be anywhere between 20-70ms, whereas an ethernet cable is almost always around 1ms. EDIT: On another note, there's two numbers in play here, bandwidth and latency. Bandwidth is the total amount of data you're sending over an amount of time (those seem to be the numbers you're talking about above). Latency is how long it takes for a packet (basic unit of data for this discussion) to get to where it's going. For gaming, your latency is generally more important to the discussion. Game update packets aren't that big so they don't count for much bandwidth. However, if in an extreme case your latency was 1 full second (1000ms), it would be a full second between when the game server registered a shot from your opponent and when you saw it at your end. You want to eliminate latency whenever you can which is where network cables come into the discussion. You can't do much once the packets get to the router, but you might as well control what you can.
  6. FWIW, in the big picture above and the beers we've been discussing, the vast majority of the beers are American Microbrews. Cracked open a bottle of Dogfish Lady-dog's Brew to celebrate the wife moving in. Such a great beer if you like stout/porter styles. Last Friday stopped off for dinner at Victory. Sad to say, the food is somewhat declining. What they serve is generally very good, but the menu keeps getting smaller and smaller. Very sad. A few years ago they'd have a split standard and seasonal menu with lots of interesting and somewhat innovative stuff on it (mustard-sage ice cream on a savory waffle with escargot (for $10)), but it's more like a normal pub menu these days. Hopefully it's a winter thing. As for beer, I tried Hop Devil on nitro pour. Hop Devil on draft (or bottle): Good. Hop Devil on hand-pump: great. Hop Devil on nitro: disappointing. On hand pump, if becomes really creamy, the hops mellow out a bit, and the floral/pine comes out. On nitro, it seems to lose the complexity of the hops and was just kinda bitter. Oh well, it was fun. Wife had Scarlet Fire, their Rauschbier (smoked malts). I had a 100 Horse Ale for my second, which is OK. It's a winter ale brewed with chestnuts. I'll put it this way, it's a nice beer but if it disappeared I wouldn't miss it.
  7. My parents have a bunch of pictures skating on the ice at the Aud, back in the early 70s. My Dad apparently knew someone, so he skated around and took a few shots on net, a few with my Mom playing goal. Also a few pictures of my very-young cousins at centre ice. As for HSBC, about 10 years ago a friend was working for Adelphia and his office was under the seats in the arena. If you came in from main entrance, you'd walk past the escalators and thru a card-swipe door. We went to a game back then (19th row, on centre ice, nice seats) and wandered around the arena afterwards (didn't see anyone interesting though).
  8. Really worth it. Only problem is a bus may swamp the place. They have maybe 30 seats.
  9. Really? I thought that was pretty popular at one point. So anyways, about beer: going to Victory tonight for dinner. Woot! I'll have to see what's new.
  10. So if Thomas never comes back, no deal, and if he does the Islanders get him for a 2nd? That doesn't seem that horrible, as long as Thomas is in any sort of shape next year.
  11. Confound your use of logic man! How are we going to blame Lindy now?
  12. I grabbed a bag of bacon jerky last week on my way up to Buffalo. Before opening it, I told myself I needed to temper my expectations, it's not going to be as good as bacon + jerky. I was wrong. It's bacon, but shelf-stable and doesn't require the fridge after opening. I just found my new favourite camping food. As for food, I probably have 2-3 weeks of food if I had to stretch it. I'd be eating a lot of rice and other grains, but I could make significant amount of pizza dough, lentils, rice, and pasta after that.[0] Then I'd get into the MREs I have in the closet that didn't get used on an aborted camping trip. I only have a case+ of beer though, but lots of liquor. [0] Hot water from my camp stove, charcoal grill, or gasoline (if I really had to).
  13. Probably When you have a foot of snow on the hood (after being out for dinner), you'd have to be careful to not break the buried wiper arms with the shovel. :) If you're only going to get an inch or two, it's a good idea.
  14. I can say with a level of certainty that Boston and Philly don't really care about Buffalo. Toronto would be the only one I can think of, but they're out buying Windex for their glass house. I'm sure the 5 rabid Canes fans are happy.
  15. I'd start giving out paper bags for people to wear on their heads with every ticket.
  16. No. If they start shipping everyone out, that may be a sign. Not before that.
  17. I'm thinking I should bring home a growler of Victory, I'm going to need it to get thru this game. :) I'll have the game on most likely. My wife[0] is bringing a carload of her stuff today so I'll be unpacking and sorting at the same time. [0] yep, still sounds a little odd to say that Sweet, post-quoted! :)
  18. Let's face it, the Sabres mostly play like crap early, then go on a run in the 4th month of the season. I'd suspect we're in the same place as last year if you look at the charts. Hopefully this year they'll go on a run around the same time, but there will only be a week left in the season so it won't screw up their draft pick too much. This is the place I've gotten to. For the first time since Lockout I, I'm ready to give up.
  19. Someone will give us something for Myers. I'd guess at the *very least* another struggling prospect (ideally signed to a shorter, cheaper contract) or high picks. I doubt we're really going to see more than a couple buy-outs come the off season. There must be GMs out there that are thinking the same thing that many of the folks here do: Ruff's system is ruining Myers, and a change of scenery will fix that.
  20. I get what you're saying, but to think that anyone should be able to play with anyone might be optimistic. We talk about chemistry a lot with forward lines and whatnot, and how 26-19-29 just know where each other are going to be. Why would it be different with D? Should Vanek be just as good if Scott is on his other wing?
  21. Isn't there a thread or post around here about how Rolston can't use two goaltenders properly? Oy vey!
  22. Or living in Philly and never having Italian food, really. Lots of little places in South Philly and Old City.
  23. He's casting a spell on you, brother's cousins (assuming the it's just a typo and not a different spell) would also be Harry's cousins. Did Harry's parents have any siblings?
  24. Yeah, it looked like Myers was feeling it with the skating at least.
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