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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Not really evidence, just probability. Until the last decade or so, we didn't have *proof* that there were other planets outside or solar system. Now that we've found them, we can check that off the list. Right now, we're surveying the ones we've found, and some of them look like they're in a good spot to have liquid water on the surface. Another check on the list of "requirements". But, as far as I know, there's no incontrovertible proof life exists yet. Things are looking more and more probable, and with the numbers involved it'd be amazing if there really is only one planet with life (us). But that's not proof, just probability. Kinda the same with testimony. "Data" is not the plural of "anecdote". I'm not going to believe anything until there's 100% solid proof, since by Occam's razor the most likely explanation right now is that people are seeing things they don't understand and jumping to a conclusion.
  2. YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM, it reinforces that people will move for them lol! I think the middle ground is you stop, and they'll either go around you (dominance asserted!) or walk into you and you can be mad at them. Or they can stop too and it'll be a stalemate. To counter that, I suggest you carry a red cape and step to the side while holding it out and shout, "ole!" as they go by.
  3. It is possible that by the time a civilization gets to the technology to travel between the stars, it has gotten past "This is mine, I put a *flag* on it. Now then, who are these beings living on my planet?".
  4. And received a lot of coaching in the process, rather then just "well, just know where everyone is on the ice and where they're headed and exploit the gap they don't know they're about to leave".
  5. AP and Reuters are far more dry and factual than most. Not going to help with local stuff however.
  6. If only we had a sample of how the team played with Sameulsson out and some other person playing with Dahlin. Honestly, I don't know what Dahlin's numbers looked like during the stretch; either he was worse because Sameulsson is a perfect complement, or that pair was still fine but whatever pair the replacement came from was trash. But the concept that a player with a certain skillset complements the other in the pairing isn't crazy. If you find something that works, you go with it.
  7. Shout out to Ithaca, where I live now. You might even get here and back on a tank of gas depending on your car. There's great outdoors and food options here for a small city.
  8. Black Tickle is fun, I found it scrolling around for a bit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Tickle Fun fact: at one point, I was strongly considering going on a group motorcycle ride from Philly to Goose Bay, Labrador, along the Labrador Highway (the last 1000 miles of it was dirt at the time). From there, it was a ferry ride for the return trip, and the ferry also stops in Black Tickle. Since then (10-15 years ago), some new roads have been built and I believe the Labrador Highway is paved. I didn't go because I didn't think my street bike was up to it. 🙂
  9. I'd start with Pittsburgh (twice), Chicago, and the Avs (hat tip to the poster above, I didn't think of that one). But "#1 ranked prospect pool" isn't exactly an objective science, so it might be tough to really find consistent quality rankings.
  10. A person walking when they could be driving? Sus. You're probably going to try to carjack them or something; better be safe and make sure you can see it when they lunge for your speeding car.
  11. Kinda. Traditional waterfall and Agile aren't that different: build, test, rework, and pass. The difference is Agile "demands" short time frames, like a few weeks. Waterfall implements the same steps, but people tend to implement waterfall over time frames (months or years) that it was never intended to be used. It doesn't work well and needs a *ton* of QA to get this gigantic changes to work together after long development. The Agile ideal is you make smaller changes quickly so there's less integration. It can still bite you of course, but hopefully you get bitten in your test environment before you get close to prod. The other really cool concept if software is Test-Driven Development. You write your tests with the expected results first, and then develop the software. It doesn't cure all ills, but it forces the developer to verify things. Modern software tooling has testing built-in to make it easier, when you compile the software it can run the tests at the same time and tell you if anything failed. You do come across as smug, whether intended or not. Definitely has the "I did it, I can't imagine why someone else might not be able to do it the same way." vibe to it. Interesting, does she pay her own car maintenance? Door dash and the other gig things like that seem to fall apart when you factor running costs in.
  12. I was thinking the same thing (aerospace and defense with a side of commercial telecom). The last effort I worked on had several people doing Software QA full-time as we delivered the systems to make the whole thing work. I can see dedicated QA trending down as the waterfall development method also trends down, but for now it seems like the jobs still exist.
  13. That Buddy Christ sweater is kinda awesome.
  14. Happened to find the boating certificate thing, with the certificate phase-in info: https://parks.ny.gov/boating/education.aspx
  15. Talking about age in a interview is possibly illegal under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA); most won't because it sets them up for age-discrimination complaints.
  16. It is pretty silly, although I could see using it out of habit as short-hand for "salary cap hit".
  17. I'll offer an alternate fantasy take: the Pegulas decide to sell AdPro, dRacculia got mad and quit both; or Legends didn't want him and he decided to cut all ties.
  18. I'm sure *some* players care about that 10%. Me? I'm taking $4.5M to play where I want over $5M every time single time. I seriously doubt I'm the only person that thinks this way. FWIW, I moved from PA (moderate taxes) to NY (higher taxes) two years ago specifically to live in Ithaca. The tax implications were an afterthought (at best).
  19. Ugh. We bought our last car (used) from the local place, but I think we're going to try Carvana or equivalent next time. Our transaction was messed up from the start and we ended up driving on dealer plates for a couple months. Turns out the sold the car to us before they had the title in hand, and then that drug out for awhile (it was a returning lease where someone in Oregon was leasing the car for their daughter in Ithaca for school). It all worked out but wow. I bought one car at a Subaru dealer near DC that was a straight $400 over invoice for every car on the lot. I know they didn't necessarily pay invoice for it, but I don't care because it eliminated that part of the process entirely. Only crappy part of that was they didn't send my NYS plates back (I had just moved) and some time later NYS suspended my license (that I didn't have any more) for having a car without insurance. That actually came up when I moved to Ithaca, but it didn't turn out to be much of a thing. The bigger thing was my PA license was only re-issued a few months before and because it wasn't 6 months old they wouldn't automatically transfer it to NYS. I even brought the previous licenses going back 15 years. I ended up just waiting until 6 months was up, lol.
  20. Sure, Arizona, but NYC, Philly, LA, or Chicago (just to randomly name cities) would be close.
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